
Why is this Javascript code not writing to the webpage?

Hi, I have just started learning Javascript. I want "Hello World!" to be written to a webpage once a user clicks a button. I have tried this: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function displaymessage() { document.write("Hello World!"); } </script> </head> <body> <form> <input type="button" value="Click me!" onclick="displa...

i need the document.write code for iframe

Hello I want the document.write code to load a page(as iframe) example - i need document.write function to get I dont want html function but as document.write ...

Document.write being cached

I am using a script before page load to write some html into my page with doucment.write now this gets cached like crazy only a hard refresh seems to update it. Now before everyone goes "OMG DONT USE DOCUMNNT.WRIT" I will be getting rid of it but for the moment I need a quick fix. So is there a way I can force this script to update eve...

javascript, html document.write

I'm trying to write a javascript using document.write but for some reasons it doesn't work . I also need to make a kind of trick to 'obfuscate' the url and "src" attribute by automated bots .Any idea why ? <script type="text/javascript"> document.write("<scr\" + \"ipt type=\"text\/jav\" + \"ascript\" s\" + \"rc=\"http:\/\/www.a\" + \"u...

html, insert form dynamically through document.write

I'm trying to insert a form dynamically using document.write but for some reasons the form is not working anymore. Here is the code which calls the javascript and here is the javascript which writes the form . I'm using pastebin because stackoverflow doesn't escape the html tags ...

Replacing document.write()s in an xhtml+xml page

I work for a company that writes software which client sites embed with < script language="JavaScript" src=..... etc. etc. We depend quite a bit on document.write to write elements out to the page. One of our clients for some reason has opted to use the content-type "application/xhtml+xml", which makes document.write() unusable in chrome...

Deferrable document.write

Hello, alot of web advertising providers use the old document.write method, in my case AdTech. Is it possible to overwrite the document.write method to defer after the onload event? Kind regards ...

document.write in StringBuilder?

I am using a StringBuilder in an ashx file to return javascript. It all works fine, except for one line... javascript.Append("document.write(\"<script id=__ie_onload defer \" + \"src=javascript:void(0)><\/script>\");"); For readability, here is the unescaped version: document.write("<script id=__ie_onload defer src=javascript:void(0...

document.obj.write() it possible?

what i wanted to do is when i clicked on a checkbox it will automatically appear on a certain part of the page. i tried to give a checkbox an onclick='displayit()'/oncchange='displayit()' where displayit() is: function displayit(obj){ document.divnam.write(obj.value); } the divnam is the name of the division where i wanted the text to...

javascript document.write breaking my page

I have this response.write on my page function roundthecon() { document.write(Math.round(exchRate*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2)); } But it is re-writing my whole page and replacing it with the rounded number is there any other way of doing this without it re-writing my page? Thanks Jamie UPDATE Full javascript if (exchRate != "...