
Is there any way to find an element in a documentFragment?

var oFra = document.createDocumentFragment(); // oFra.[add elements]; document.createElement("div").id="myId"; oFra.getElementById("myId"); //not in FF How can I get "myId" before attaching fragment to document? ...

node selection and manipulation out of the dom (What is jQuery's trick ?)

Hi I would like to do dom selection and manipulation out of the dom. The goal is to build my widget out of the dom and to insert it in the dom only once it is ready. My issue is that getElementById is not supported on a document fragment. I also tried createElement and cloneNode, but it does not work either. I am trying to do that in ...

DocumentFragment not appending in IE

I have a select list which, when changed, pulls data via ajax and dynamically creates select lists. Then based on the data used to create the select lists (a type), I pull more data via ajax if i don't have it already and create the options for the select list and store them in a fragment. Then I append that fragment to the select list...

documentFragment.cloneNode(true) doesn't clone jQuery data

I have a documentFragment with several child nodes containing some .data() added like so: myDocumentFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for(...) { myDocumentFragment.appendChild( $('<a></a>').addClass('button') .attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)') .html('click me') .data('rowData', { 'id': 103, 'test': ...

How do I create Variables in XSLT that are not document fragments?

Consider the following XSLT 2.0 template <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:variable name="var1"> <elem>1</elem> <elem>2</elem> <elem>3</elem> </xsl:variable> <xsl:text>var1 has </xsl:text> <xsl:value-of select="count($var1)"/> <xsl:text>elements. </xsl:text> <xsl:variable name="var2" sele...

jQuery: array of elements to raw html?

Let's say I have an array like this: var content = [ $('<p>...</p>'), $('<p>...</p>') ]; I need to get the markup of the concatenated elements. So I need to convert content" into a raw string: "<p>...</p><p>...</p>". How can this easily be done? Seems like there should already be something in the framework to do this. Somehow maybe ...

Does jquery clone() user documentfragment internally?

I am inserting elements into dom dynamically and for that i m using following steps :(jquery) The initial dom structure is as below: <div parent div> </div> <div child div template> </div> clone the parent div using jquery .clone() clone the child div and do manipulation append to the cloned parent do this for all child data (paren...


Hi, please take a look at the following code. var oFra = document.createDocumentFragment(); var myDiv = document.createElement("div");"myId"; oFra.appendChild(myDiv); oFra.getElementById("myId"); In this case do i have ref to the div i just inserted inside documentFragement using the variable myDiv? Lets sa...