
I can't include a version number in this old Delphi project I inherited. How do I fix it?

I have an old Delphi codebase I have to maintain, lots of DLLs, some older than others. In some of these DLLs there is no version information in the Project Options dialog. The controls for adding a version are greyed out and I can't even add a version number by manually editing the .DOF file. How can I include a version number in these ...

How to use different packages in the same project for different versions of Delphi

We're slowly converting a big and complicated collection of Delphi 6 projects to Delphi 2007. In Delphi I can use compiler directives in dpr, dpk and pas files to make different code visible to different versions. For example: requires rtl, vcl, vclx, {$IFDEF VER180} //Delphi 2007 and later IndyCore, IndySystem, IndyProto...