
Active Wait in Windows I/O Driver

Continuing the question in: Thanks to accepted answer in that question I realized that keeping windows waiting for data is a driver responsability. As i'm using Dokan, I am be able to look into the driver code. Dokan complete the IRP request with a STATUS_EN...

Detecting metadata-only read requests in windows filesystem

Hello, I'm developing a kind of filesystem driver. All of read requests that windows makes to my filesystem goes by the driver implementation. I would like to distinguish between "normal" read requests and those who want to get only the metadata from the file. ( Windows reads first 4K of the file and then stop reading ). Does Windows ...

dokan sshfs for windows.

I read an article here about dokan sshfs for windows. I want to ask if you know similar software (free or not) in order to access windows partitions from windows. Samba is a always an answer, however I am seeking for something more secure. ...

How stable is dokan sshfs?

People have reported BSOD on windows 7 (64bit) For some reason unknown to me, my explorer on winxp sp3 (32bit) gets shaky and at time freezes if I do lots of browsing via doken SSHFS drive. Have you faced any issues lately with sshfs doken driver? Just wanted to get y...

dokan "driver install failed"

Hi everybody, I am trying to install the Dokan driver on my machine. I have downloaded the source code and have installed the Windows Drivers Kit. Using the build environment, I built and copied dokan.sys to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers, as well as dokan.dll, dokanctl.exe & mounter.exe to C:\WINDOWS\system32. I then try to run dokanctl....

Convert errno.h error values to Win32 GetLastError() equivalents

I'm writing a layer between a POSIX filesystem, and Windows using Dokan, and need to convert error values of the errno kind (EINVAL, ENOENT, etc.), to the Win32 equivalents you'd receive when calling GetLastError() (such as ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER). Is there an existing function, library, or reference I can use to perform these conversi...