
Can someone explain the dollar sign in Javascript?

Duplicate: Ok, bit of a noobie question for you, Got some help with a previous question and I encountered something new to me. The code in question is here: var $item = $(this).parent().parent().find('input'); What is the purpo...

Four Dollar signs in Makefile

Hi, I am reading the document of GNU Make. Here is an example %.d: %.c @set -e; rm -f $@; \ $(CC) -M $(CPPFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$; \ sed ’s,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $@ : ,g’ < $@.$$$$ > $@; \ rm -f $@.$$$$ I tried this on a C++ program, and got the list of files init3d.d init3d.d.18449 input.d input.d.18444 m...

What's the difference between ‘var $x’ and ‘var x’ in jQuery?

Possible Duplicate: Why would a javascript variable start with a dollar sign? What's the difference between ‘var $x’ and ‘var x’ in jQuery? ...

Why do I see JavaScript variables prefixed with $?

This is sort of a meta-question. Many snippets of JavaScript I've seen here on SO are named with a dollar sign prefix (for example, $id on the second line of the snippet shown in this question). I'm not referring to jQuery or other libraries. I am well aware that this is valid, but it seems awkward to do when not necessary. Why do pe...

virtualenvwrapper .hook problem

I've used virtualenvwrapper, but I'm having problems running it on a new computer. My .bashrc file is updated per the instructions: export WORKON_HOME=$DEV_HOME/projects source /usr/local/bin/ But when source is run, I get the following: bash: /25009.hook: Permission denied bash: /25009.hook: No such file or dir...

PHP escape $ sign and echo a string my fetching database

Hello, I want to know how to echo a string that have a $ sign from a database. At this time, the value on database 'Buy one for $5.00' converts to 'Buy one for .00'. Let's say the name of the field is title and the value is Buy one for $5.00 <?php $body_tpl = file_get_contents('tpl.html'); //Title is: %title% blah blah %title% $row ...

MooTools and jQuery conflict - despite Dollar Safe Mode

I'm trying to get some pre-existing MooTools code to function properly within a Drupal site. I know the MooTools code works on its own. Once I load the MooTools library in the page, jQuery stops functioning. I am including MooTools after jQuery, which (according to the MooTools developers) should prevent Moo from stealing the already de...

Should I be able to quote a leading or trailing dollar sign ($) inside a word boundary in Java Regular Expression?

I'm having trouble getting regular expressions with leading / trailing $'s to match in Java (1.6.20). From this code: System.out.println( "$40".matches("\\b\\Q$40\\E\\b") ); System.out.println( "$40".matches(".*\\Q$40\\E.*") ); System.out.println( "$40".matches("\\Q$40\\E") ); System.out.println( " ------ " ); System.out.println( "40$"...

Variables in mootools dollar sign element calls

So I have an element I want to modify (with Fx.Tween, but I suppose it doesn't really matter). However, the element id is dynamically generated, meaning I have to piece it together from some variables. So let's say... (in js) name = 'foo'; id = '42'; and I want to access element $('foo_42')... how would I type it out? $(name+'_'+id)...

What is the purpose of PHP having a symbol (the dollar sign) in front of each variable?

Possible Duplicate: Why PHP variables start with a $ sign symbol? I have looked at other programming languages and it seems that most of them do not have any symbol to show that something is a variable. Is there some reason why a PHP interpreter needs such a sign, when interpreters/compilers for other languages are capable of...

Latex Dollar Sign \\ How do I signify Linux Environment Variables in latex?

Hi. I am aware to output dollar signs you escape it with \ such that: \$ % prints '$' However, I can't print something like \$ JAVA_HOME % prints '$ JAVA_HOME' The space in between the $ and JAVA_HOME is what's annoying. How can I make it so it's one word? ...

How to echo a variable containing an unescaped dollar sign in bash

If I have a variable containing an unescaped dollar sign, is there any way I can echo the entire contents of the variable? For example something calls a script: ./ "test1$test2" and then if I want to use the parameter it gets "truncated" like so: echo ${1} test1 Of course single-quoting the varaible name doesn't help. I ca...