
Is it ok to manipulate dom before ready state?

This is generally how I manage progressive enhancement whilst keep the experience clean, but how safe is it? is there potential for a race condition and this not working? Imagine the simple abstract scenario, you want to display something differently if you have javascript support.. this is generally what I will end up doing: <div id="...

Has window.onload fired yet?

I have a script that will be inserted into an unknown page at an unknown time. Is it possible to tell from this script if window.onload has fired yet? I have no control over the host page. I can't add any markup or scripts to it. All I know is that my script will be inserted into the page at some point. It could be before

document.readyState analog for gecko-based browsers

IE has attribute readyState in document object, that indicates current state, e.g. "loading", "complete" etc. Is there any way to find current loading state of document in Mozilla-based browsers? I'm aware of DOMContentLoaded event, but it wont fit my situation, as my code can be executed after this event was fired. Added: no, I can't ...

Triggering domready by force in jQuery?

Since placing javascript DOM methods in the bottom of the html page (after <body>) is a lot faster than using the jQuery 'ready' event, shouldnt we be forcing it by doing: $('document').trigger('ready'); ...after the body tag? I havent really tried this, but it should speed up things. Or did I miss something? ...

Using DOMContentReady considered anti-pattern by Google

A Google Closure library team member asserts that waiting for DOMContentReady event is a bad practice. The short story is that we don't want to wait for DOMContentReady (or worse the load event) since it leads to bad user experience. The UI is not responsive until all the DOM has been loaded from the network. So the prefe...

Javascript DOM ready without an entire framework

Hello, Does anyone know of a good javascript DOM ready library that I can use without loading an entire framework? I found one on google code that seems to work, but the library was posted in 2008 and I can't find any confirmation on up-to-date cross browser support. Thanks, Brian ...

Measure width() with jQuery after DOM refresh

My script dynamically creates a <ul> width left-floating <li>s inside: it's a paginator. Afterwards, the script measures width of all <li>s and summs them up. The problem is that after the nodes are injected into the document — the browser refreshed DOM and applies CSS styles which takes a while. It has a negative effect on my script: w...

jQuery without domready

Searching for a way to add this code, after the <head> (or some <link stylesheet>) and before <body> is generated (created). $('body').append('<style type="text/css">\ // some // multiline // styles </style>'); There is no <body> without domready(), so its seems better to use head instead or something else. Append also can...

jQuery's ready queue $(foo) and $(bar) will run in sequence or run in parallel?

If there are 2 or 3 or 20 statements using jQuery's $(function() { ... }) to add functions to be executed when the DOM is ready, will all those functions run in parallel or run in sequence? ...

Understanding the document-ready event

Hey, I was just writing another basic script for my JS & jQuery practice, and I was just pumping out the goold ol' document-ready event when I realized what this was actually comprise of, and I wanted to know if I was right or not: Here is the document ready for jQuery: $(document).ready(function(){}); Now, the dollar sign is shortha...

jQuery multiple document ready queue order

Hi there, I know calls to $(function(){ }) in jQuery are executed in the order that they are defined, but I'm wondering if you can control the order of the queue? For example, is it possible to call "Hello World 2" before "Hello World 1": $(function(){ alert('Hello World 1') }); $(function(){ alert('Hello World 2') }); The question ...

javascript:how to write $(document).ready like event without jquery

in jquery $(document).ready(function) or $(function) , how could I do the same thing without jquery, and I need browser compatiable, and allow to attach more than one function. Note: dom ready!= window onload ...