
What's in your .emacs?

I've switched computers a few times recently, and somewhere along the way I lost my .emacs. I'm trying to build it up again, but while I'm at it, I thought I'd pick up other good configurations that other people use. So, if you use Emacs, what's in your .emacs? Mine is pretty barren right now, containing only: Global font-lock-mode!...

In Emacs how to switch to other buffer?

The problem is following: I want to automate the way my emacs starts. It has to be split in two buffers and the slime-repl has to be started in the smallest (bottom) buffer. Plus, I want my file to be opened in the bigger (upper) buffer. In my .emacs there are lines: (slime) ... (split-window-vertically -6) (switch-to-buffer (other-buff...

Disable Carbon Emacs scroll beep

I've been looking into adopting Carbon Emacs for use on my Mac, and the only stumbling block I've run into is the annoying scroll beep when you try to scroll past the end of the document. I've looked online but I can't seem to find what I should add to my .emacs that will stop it from beeping when scrolling. I don't want to silence it co...

Programmatically setting Emacs frame size

My emacs (on Windows) always launches with a set size, which is rather small, and if I resize it, it's not "remembered" at next start-up. I've been playing with the following: (set-frame-position (selected-frame) 200 2) ; pixels x y from upper left (set-frame-size (selected-frame) 110 58) ; rows and columns w h which totally works ...

Saving Window Configurations in Emacs

I'm wondering if there's a way to save window configurations across emacs sessions. I know desktop-save is fantastic for preserving buffers and whatnot and the emacs manual demonstrates storing a window configuration into a register but this doesn't persist across sessions. Of course this doesn't seem like it would be too hard to imple...

try catch block indentation in emacs

I'm using the bsd style of indentation in emacs & I'd like to modify it a bit. The related portion of my .emacs file is below. When I write a function with try catch blocks the braces are indented. I'd like them to not indent similar to a function. What's it's doing now. try { } catch { } What I'd like it to do....

Emacs navigation in new versions acts like notepad

This is a bit difficult to explain, so please bear with me. I am running emacs (from CVS) in order to have truetype support. (in case anyone wonders why I'm running the bleeding edge). I'm experiencing some oddness in navigation within documents with this version that I want to have STOP. When a window is narrow enough that ...

in emacs, what's the best way for keyboard-escape-quit not destroy other windows?

EDIT: I understand there is keyboard-quit (which is normally bounded to C-g); but I'm more interested to know about how one deals with editing functions that come with Emacs (like in this case). I run into this kind of situations from time to time when I want to change just a little bit of some build-in functions. In emacs, when you hit...

Tips for profiling misbehaving Emacs lisp?

I customize Emacs a lot. Recently, I added something to my .emacs configuration that sporadically pegs my CPU at 100%, but I really don't know what it is. If I press C-g a bunch of times, eventually I'll get a message below the minibuffer asking me if I want to auto save my files and then if I want to abort emacs entirely. If I keep sa...

How can I emulate Vim's * search in GNU Emacs?

In Vim the * key in normal mode searches for the word under the cursor. In GNU Emacs the closest native equivalent would be: C-s C-w But that isn't quite the same. It opens up the incremental search mini buffer and copies from the cursor in the current buffer to the end of the word. In Vim you'd search for the whole word, even if you ...

How do I find which .emacs file has been loaded?

Heyas How do I get emacs to tell me the location of the .emacs file it has loaded? My situation is simply when I do sudo emacs, it loads up a very different .emacs file than the one in my home directory. I can get around with by doing M-x eval-buffer on my own .emacs file, but that's a lot of extra steps, plus it doesnt seem to clear ...

Emacs - Error when calling (server-start)

I am currently using GNU Emacs in Windows Vista SP1. In my .emacs file I make a call to (server-start) and that is causing an error with the message The directory ~/.emacs.d/server is unsafe. Has anyone seen this and know a fix or workaround? ... other than leaving server turned off ;) Here is the stack trace: Debugger enter...

how to get focus-follows-mouse over buffers in emacs?

Suppose I have a source file open and I launch a shell. I can hit C-x o to switch between the two buffers. But how can I get it so that when I move the mouse the buffer under the mouse gets focus, just like the "focus follows mouse" option common in window managers? ...

Disabling transient-mark-mode

In my .emacs file, I have (setq transient-mark-mode nil) and yet transient-mark-mode is activated when I start up emacs. Calling transient-mark-mode gives the message 'transient-mark-mode disabled', but C-space still starts highlighting a region. Is there a way to turn this off? ...

xemacs: dotemacs config so that one can paste without getting "funny" chars

Copying text from websites via browser, paste into xemacs (21.4) buffer, and tildes, quotes, etc. don't copy correctly. Example: he’s a dummy -> he\222s a dummy. Can YOU copy & paste it without problems? If so, please help - how to config my .emacs to solve this. Thanks. ...

Bazaar: how put files from different locations in one repository?

I'm new to bazaar and would like to give it a try by storing my Emacs configuration files in one repository. These files consist of a .emacs file in my home directory (on unixish systems) and a couple of Emacs Lisp source files in /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp I'd really like to have one repo because some changes in my .emacs file ...

How to set Cscope->database-> Set init directory

Hi, I am using xcode with emacs. But everytime I start emacs, I need to go to menu 'CScope' -> Cscope->database -> set init Directory and it pick the root directory of my source. And then I click 'CScope' -> Cscope->database -> set init Directory->create list and index' Is there anyway I can configure that in .emacs so that I don't ...

How do I Pass a Function as a Parameter in Emacs?

I'm trying to add a function I created to a hook, but the obvious (to my Schemer mind) way doesn't seem to work. The function is used in 2 places and I want to keep my code DRY so no anonymous function. Though I could wrap my function in a lambda, there must be a better way. Doesn't work: (defun my-function () ;; do my stuff) (add-...

How do I byte-compile everything in my .emacs.d directory?

I have decided to check out Emacs, and I liked it very much. Now, I'm using the Emacs Starter Kit, which sort of provides better defaults and some nice customizations to default install of Emacs. I have customized it a little, added some stuff like yasnippet, color-themes, unbound, and other stuff. I've set up a github repository where ...

How to keep comments on variables set through "M-x customize" on emacs?

When I set variables through M-x customize, the values are stored in this big, auto-generated, alphabetically ordered list in my .emacs file. The problem is I like to document why I chose a particular value other than the default for a particular variable. If I do that by adding elisp comments inside the auto-generated list, they are cl...