
Double clicking allowed in web apps?

I am taking over the code of another person. This person is allowing double clicks to occur on RadGrids (Telerik Control).. I personally hate the idea of allowing double clicks in a web application. I tihnk it is not natural. Is there any good argument against double clicks in web apps? Or am I wrong and double clicks in web apps are go...

Django modules for working with DoubleClick?

Since Django has its roots in news websites, I'm surprised that I haven't been able to find any good modules for working with DoubleClick / DART ads. I'm going to being doing some DoubleClick integration, and I'd hate to have to reinvent the wheel so if an existing project exists, I'd appreciate a point in the right direction. edit: I ...

WPF DataGrid: CommandBinding to a double click instead of using Events

I know how to use the MouseDoubleClick event with my DataGrid to grab the selectedvalue, but how would one go about using command bindings instead? That way my ViewModel can handle the logic. So far I have the following: <DataGrid Name="TestGrid" Grid.Row="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" AutoGenerateColumns="True" MouseDoubleClick="TestGrid_Mou...

What's the best way to capture all doubleclick events in a DataGridView?

I'm writing a Windows Forms app that uses a DataGridView control. I have row select enabled on the control. I would like to trap the DoubleClick event, but it doesn't seem to fire reliably - I often have to double-click on a row 2 or 3 times before the event is triggered. Could anyone point me to a way to capture this more reliably? ...

Double-click DataGridView row?

I am using and DataGridView on a winform. When a user double-clicks on a row I want to do something with this row. But how can I know whether user clicked on a row or just anywhere in the grid? If I use DataGridView.CurrentRow then if a row is selected and user clicked anywhere on the grid the current row will show the selected...

DoubleClick Studio & pulling in external data

Hi we are using double click to host some banners and the flash banners pull in external content from our server. The banners work but when previewed in DoubleClick the banner won't load the external content. If we view the source and view the banner loaded on the DoubleClick server it works but not when its in the page of doubleclick ...

Calling jquery interactions after page load

The project that I am working on dynamically generates tables with jquery's apend(). the problem I am running into is applying interactions to it, they don't affect the generated tables. The javascript calling the jquery interactions: $(function() { $( '.window' ) .draggable({ containment: '#desktop', scroll: false, opacity...

Fancybox + Bursting Pipe Ad

We're using Fancybox to throw up essentially an interstitial ad. The page loads, then Fancybox loads over it, and displays our ad content. For most ad content we've put up, this has worked (hand-coded links/images, DoubleClick content, etc). But ads from Burst Media seem to cause no end of headache. As soon as Fancybox loads, the Burst ...

how can fire only one click event even the user clicks button 2-3 times at the same time?

I have a add to list button.when user clicks on button the data in text box gets added in listbox.User can not add same data. but the problem is that is user clicks add button 2-3 times with in a seconds the data is getting added 2 times in list. And if user does not clicks on button like this my javascript validation is working fine but...

Chrome extension double click on a word.

I would like to know how to call a function once the user double-clicks on any word on the page they are visiting (from a content script). Something similar to Google Dictionary extension. I have inspected the codes in the extension but it was not indented (compiled/minimized) so I've decided to ask this question here. A snippet of codes...

Capture two physical button clicks

Hey guys, How would I capture two clicks of any of the physical buttons (including the optical button)? Something like what QuickDesk does with the two clicks of the Home button. Thanks ...