
Why I can't have more than 5 WebClient.DownloadFileAsync running?

I'm trying to test another application by requesting many file downloads. So, I started 10 WebClient instances with following code, but seems I can have just 5 running at same time. class Program { public static object locker = new object(); public static void Main(string[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) ...

Webclient downloadfileasync not working

I got a WPF application and I want to download a file. I'm using System.Net; and I have the following code: WebClient ww = new WebClient(); ww.DownloadFileAsync( new Uri(""), AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\1.jpg"); The problem is, is that it doesn't download the file, it's just ...

Is WebClient.DownloadFileAsync really this slow?

I'm using the DownloadFileAsync method of WebClient to download some files from a server, and I can't help but notice that in my informal testing of my code within VS2010, it blocks for about 3 seconds while it starts, which, in my opinion kind of defeats the purpose in the first place. Here is the relevant snippet of code: WebClient ...

WebClient DownloadFileAsync File Exists

Is there a recommended method for using DownloadFileAsyc and determining if the file exists? It seems that the only way I can tell is on the DownloadCompleted event the error property has a 404 error in it, and the there's a file created that is 0 bytes. It would be nice to have a more deterministic method. ...