
How to find mappings of attribute in Dozer at runtime?

I use Dozer to map between Java beans. I have a dozer mapping file with all the mappings present in it. A sample mapping is shown below: <mapping> <class-a></class-a> <class-b></class-b> <field> <a>key</a> <b>id</b> </field> <field> <a>actionId</a> <b>action</b> <...

Convert List of one type to Array of another type using Dozer

I'm wondering how to convert a List of one type to an array of another type in Java using Dozer. The two types have all the same property names/types. For example, consider these two classes. public class A{ private String test = null; public String getTest(){ return this.test } public void setTest(String test){...

Dozer mapping for hibernate entity class to any new object type.

How to convert hibernate entity class having many to many mapping. i have a class that has two many to many collection mapping. i can convert that entity class to the destination object but the problem is for the collection set Set<Address> s; -----------1 1 there is a generic set of Address class.And the Address class look like be...

Dozer deep mapping not working

I have one object which contain Name package; public class testingobj2 { private String name; /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * @param name the name to set */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } } i want to map the name obj...

How to get the parent base class object super.getClass()

Hi, I have a little problem with Java (being a C++ programmer). I have 2 related classes: public class Patient() { ... } public class PatientPersistent extends Patient { ... public void foo() { System.out.println(super.getClass().toString()); } } This will output: class org.example.smartgwt.server.model.PatientPersi...

How to add a specific type object to a collection using Dozer?

I wanted to add an Object of a certain type to an ArrayList using Dozer. For ex: public class Source { private String id= null; private String value= null; } public class Destination { private List dest = null; public List getDest(){ return des; } } What I want is - Create an instance of Source and hydrate the attributes (id and value)...

MappingException: InvocationTargetException

Hello guys, I have a small problem here and hope that someone can help me out. I wanna do a mapping from Object to Integer. The Object is marked as Fetchtype.Lazy. When I do the mapping I get the following error message: 11:31:46,569 ERROR MappingProcessor:253 - Field mapping error --> MapId: null Type: null Source parent clas...

Accessing parent class when doing custom converter

I am currently using Dozer to map to sets of objects. I have a situation where I need to use a custom converter to map a String to TypeA. The way I convert TypeA to a String depends on the type of Object TypeA is a member of. Specifically TypeA has 2 fields lets call them prefix and postfix. Sometimes I need to split the String by a ...

Get field by field mapping in dozer

Hello! I am using dozer to map bean properties. The way I do it is :, destClass). This returns entire mapped class. However, Is there a way to get what individual property is mapped to? E.g if SourceClass has propA, is there a simple way to get the corresponding property in DestClass to which propA is mapped ...

Dozer - mapping problem

We have two beans Source and Destination with the same properties : private Map<String,List<Tarif>> tarifBySegmentAndByPassenger = new HashMap<String, List<Tarif>>(); Every works "fine" except in the Destination bean, all the Tarif object has been replaced by something like this : com.mypackage.Tarif@2453 Dozer seems to do a toS...

Dozer: Deep Mapping not working

Hi all, Quick question: I'm using Dozer to make mappings between two different classes. In my destination class (A in this example), I have a field which is an instance of a Name object. This object has two strings (last- and firstNames). These strings are build by inputting a list of strings and joining them together with a separator. ...

How do I map a HashMap to a Pojo

I'm having difficulties mapping a HashMap to a Pojo using dozer. Note: the attribute names in my Pojo don't map to the key values in HashMap i've populated. I'm trying to use the set-method attribute in the dozer mapping file to map the hash key to the Pojo setter. When I run the code below, I don't get any exceptions, but the the Poj...