
doctrine2 sandbox dql

With the doctrine2 sandbox, what is the correct DQL to retrieve all users with address x? ...

DQL to get i_chronicle_id from r_object_id

I have a situation like this: I need to find out the i_chronicle_id of a document. If I try with r_object_id(i.e select i_chronicle_id from dm_document where r_object_id='some id', it will return me the i_chronicle_id. Then no problem. But if someone has modified the document(checked out and checked in) my above query doesn't work becaus...

doctrine2 dql, use setParameter with % wildcard when doing a like comparison

I want to use the parameter place holder - e.g. ?1 - with the % wild cards. that is, something like: "u.name LIKE %?1%" (though this throws an error). The docs have the following two examples: 1. // Example - $qb->expr()->like('u.firstname', $qb->expr()->literal('Gui%')) public function like($x, $y); // Returns Expr\Comparison instance ...

DQL to get r_object_id From DRL

I have a situation like this. I checked out a file from documentum (File is a dita-map ). File has a reference to another file in the repository. DRL is dctm://MILLENNIUM/0500006480003b2e?DMS_OBJECT_SPEC=RELATION_ID. From this, I assume that 0500006480003b2e is the relation ID. If so how do I get its ObjectID . I need the object ID o...

doctrine2 dql query by property of serialized object within entity

I have an entity with an 'object' type column. I want to be able to retreive the entity by a property (say id) of that object. For example, the query would look something like this: $em->createQuery('SELECT e FROM Entity_Class e SOME_MAGIC e.object o WHERE o.id = ?1'); The question is, is there *SOME_MAGIC* in dql? ...

DQL-Documentum query

Can any one please provide a solution in Documentum Query Language to access the folder details of a file checked out from documentum if we provide the object_id of the corresponding file. Thank You....... ...

Doctrine - encryption with dql listeners

I am attempting to encrypt certain database fields by adding a call to mysql AES_ENCRYPT (and AES_DECRYPT) using Doctrine DQL Hooks. for SQL SELECT's I have a preDqlSelect() in my Doctrine_Record_Listener class, which goes through each parameter in the select fields, and adds a AES_DECRYPT() for encrypted fields. But, it looks like ca...

What's "wrong" with my DQL query?

I have the following SQL query: select bank.* from bank join branch on branch.bank_id = bank.id join account a on a.branch_id = branch.id join import i on a.import_id = i.id It returns exactly what I expect. Now consider the following two DQL queries: $q = Doctrine_Query::create() ->select('Bank.*') ->from('Ban...

What is the correct way to retrieve information from two tables using doctrine ORM.

I am trying to perform a simple join on two tables and am having trouble finding the right syntax to use - I know i am missing something simple. From the 'users' table i need the id (working fine) and from the 'meta' table i need the last_name (not working) $q = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from('Users u') ->leftJoin('u.Meta m'); $users...