
Parsing Dreamweaver templates with Regular Expressions

I have a requirement to parse the content out of Dreamweaver templates. I'm using C#. Here is some example content that I will need to parse. <div id="myDiv"> <h1><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="PageHeading" --> The Heading<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></h1> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="PageContent" --> <p> Lorem...

Detach many pages from a Dreamweaver template

I've got a site of about 500 pages from a client, all attached to a template. Is there any way I can do a "bulk detach" rather than going through each file individually? ...

Dreamweaver/HTML how to change an editable sidebar to noneditable

Hi. I'm working in dreamweaver (newbie) and would like to change an editable sidebar that begins with these statements within the template: < !-- TemplateBeginEditable name="sidebar" --! > (comment marks altered so the statement doesn't disappear) <div class="contentright" > to be uneditable: meaning, I want to alter the content in...

Dreamweaver CS4 InstanceEditable question

I have a client who has a website, with 100's of pages and they all have instance editables which I am really not familiar with as i just use PHP includes. They require me to edit the webpage live via Dreamweaver's built in FTP. How do these IE's work and whats the best approach for this? I don't want screw it up... ...

Does Dreamweaver add enctype="text/plain" to forms automatically?

I have some forms that post to a CGI script. I set them up and they work perfectly on all browsers. Then I leave them alone. A few days later, after designers have updated the page, the forms no longer work and a mysterious enctype="text/plain" has been added to the form tag. I didn't put it there, and the designers didn't put it t...

Dreamweaver templates adding p before every div

Hi, I am new to dreamweaver templates but I have to fix an issue we are having whereby the template (I assume it is the template doing it) is adding a p tag with a nbsp inside before every div on the page. My questions are: Is this known DWT behaviour? Is there such a thing as DWT processing rules that controls this? I have also noti...