
Resolve Windows drive letter to a path (subst and network)

I wonder if there is a universal way of resolving a path using a drive letter (such as X:\foo\bar.txt) into its equivalent UNC path, which might be one of the following: X:\foo\bar.txt if X: is a real drive (i.e. hard disk, USB stick, etc.) \\server\share\foo\bar.txt if X: is a network drive mounted on \\server\share C:\xyz\foo\bar.txt...

Programmatically assign new letter to existing drive with C++

I want to change a drive letter. For example, I can use diskpart to assign a new letter to a drive (a USB disk or a new hard disk). How can I implement it in C/C++? ...

Portable Device Path on Windows

I've actually got an Windows/Java Question. I've got a plugged-in device which I want to access via Java. Normally you can access an e.g. USB-Stick via the Drive letter... but this tablet is displayed by Windows as a "Portable Device"... which means, that the Path is something like "Computer\Archos 5S" and there is no Drive letter. I ...

List USB drive letters in VC++

Hi, I want to list USB drives in my machine. How to do it in VC++. Can u give a sample code. ...

Programatically check whether a drive letter is a shared/network drive

Hi SO community! I searched a while but found nothing that helped me. Is there a way to check whether a drive letter stands for a shared drive/network drive or a local disc in python? I guess there is some windows api function that gives me that info, but I cant find it. Perhaps there is even a method already integrated in python? What...

What is the maximum length of a Windows XP drive label?

Hi, Question is pretty much self-explanatory. I'm working with naming USB drives if that matters. Thanks. ...

Use windows drive letters in maven install:install-file

When I try to install a custom jar with the following maven command then it will fail misirably: mvn -X install:install-file -Dfile=D:\Work\... Howerver the following does work: mvn -X install:install-file -Dfile=\Work\... You might now ask: So where is the problem? Well, I want to import from a script file and there I have the pat...