
What do I have to do and how much does it cost to get a device driver for Windows Vista / 7 (32 and 64 bit) signed?

I've got some drivers which are basically LibUSB-Win32 with a new .inf file do describe product/vendor ids and strings which describe my hardware. This works fine for 32 bit windows, but 64 bit versions have problems; namely that Microsoft in their wisdom require all drivers to be digitally signed. So my questions are thus: Is there a...

Failures when signing a 64-bit driver using Windows Logo Kit

Currently I am working on signing a 64-bit driver for a USB tool which is used to scan areas of the skin. My setup is like this: DTM Controller and DTM Studio are running on a Server machine (Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2) DTM Client running on a Client Machine (Windows 7 64-bit) I have managed to run tests on the client, using DTM Stu...