
Where can i find a list of "Microsoft OS Descriptors" for USB?

I am trying to find a list of "Microsoft OS Descriptors" for USB. The best I could do is find a reference to "Appendix 1 of Extended Compat ID OS Feature Descriptor Specification". Of course I can not find this either. Any ideas? ...

Linux Device Driver - what's wrong with my device_read()?

EDIT: If myinc_value is an N-digit integer, I get the first N/2 bytes of the msg buffer back in user space. So if myinc_value = 48, cat /dev/my_inc yields 4. If myinc_value = 489324, cat /dev/my_inc yields 489. This behavior persists even after I added the following code directly after the while loop, to nul-terminate the user-space b...

A version of the Windows "FILE:" port which does not prompt for the file name but autogenerates one.

Hi. I have a process where one of the things to do is to capture the output from a print into a file for further processing. For this I have configured a "FILE:" printer port which works very nicely but asks everytime for the file name to use. Unfortunately "FILE" is not a very descriptive word when trying to use a search engine :( I...

How to find out if SCSI device (say /etc/sda) is a disk or not via ioctl calls or other ?

How to find out if SCSI device (say /dev/sda) is a disk or not via ioctl calls or other ? I have tried the following but the ioctl call fails. My /dev/sda is a USB flash disk. #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <scsi/scsi.h> #include <scsi/sg.h> #...

crystal reports eclipse ms access

Does anyone know of any generic jdbc driver to use with eclipse crystal reports because I cant find any that work out. It works 100% in visual studio i.e ms access and crystal reports. ...

How to write a simple usb driver?

I make this treat because you are closing my other before i get my answer. Here is my answer clear and exactly what i want to do! I wanna create a usb driver, so my own C application be able to get into my flash drive and take information from the imported flash drive. OS: Windows Please don't close it again I still cant find my answer...

Propietary modules within GPL and BSD kernels

Since the Linux kernel is GPL and not LGPL I suppose that it is illegal to link proprietary code to it. How does the industry circumvents this? I would expect that the GPL license will force any developer to release under GPL driver and/or kernel module. Maybe I am confused and implementing a new module is not really linking against the...

Usb Driver on 64bit Windows

I have a pretty generic 64bit driver based on bulkusb.sys in WDK. It's been working for years with an embedded program, but now it is needed to work on Vista 64. From all the documentation I've tried to look through there doesn't seem to be anything affecting it, except compiling it for the 64bit environment, and yet when I compile it wi...

DeviceIoControl problem (IncorrectFunction)

Hi there! I'm trying to make my own ioctl driver command for calling it from an user-mode application dll. For now I just wanted to make sure the dll succesfuly calls that command on the driver code. So I defined my command (in the dll and in the driver's code) like this: #define BUSENUM_IOCTL(_index_) \ CTL_CODE (FILE_DEVICE_BUS_E...

Do mini-filter functions need APCs enabled?

Hello, Many Zw* functions that work with files (such as ZwCreateFile) need to be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL with APCs enabled: This is because, internally, I/O operations are asynchronously and the completion of an operation is delivered through an APC (correct me if I'm wro...

HTTP URL Blacklist driver

Hello, how to code HTTP URL blacklisting driver for both XP and Vista/7? I need it for special software for schools any ideas about HTTPS or VPN? I was thinking about firefox, IE,... extension. Not bulletproof, but better than nothing. It's just school. Thanks ...

Custom SQL Server driver

I had a crazy thought about writing my own SQL Server driver to make it work something like non-blocking http client, so it won't be thread thirsty and could handle lots of db queries within one thread. I tried to look over google for some guidelines about implementing SQL Server client protocol, but found none really, where do those gu...

C# serial port driver wrapper class code and concept quality

Hi folks, Would like to know from all you guys what do you think about my Serial Wrapper class. Had been a while I've been working with serial ports but never shared the code what somekind make me closed to my very own vision. Would like to know if it's a good/bad approach, if the interface is enough and what more you see on it. I know...

Add a virtual driver using C#

How to add a virtual driver that contains functions that calls C# functions inside a DLL file. ...

Kernel mode calls a signed C# method in GAC

Can I call a signed DLL(placed in the GAC) of a C# project from a Kernel mode driver ? ...

Driver call Web Service

Can a driver call a C# web service or any other language? ...

Need Help in Building Printer Driver

I need some help in building printer driver. The printer connects to system via serial port. I just need to grab the data that application sends to the printer, compress it (its a custom routine) and send it to printer. I do not have any experience in developing drivers. I have all the tools, SDK, DDK. If someone could point out some li...

Is there a 64bit driver for Microsoft Access?

java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application I get the following error when I try to connect to my Microsoft Access database from an eclipse project using jdbc. I am using 64bit windows and microsoft office 2007. any help on this matt...

How to read GPU (graphic card) temperature?

I am interested in a way how to read GPU temperature (graphics processing unit, main chip of graphic card), by using some video card driver API? Everyone knows that there two different chip manufacturers (popular ones, at least) - ATI and nVIDIA - so there are two different kinds of drivers to read temperature from. I'm interested in le...

Windows Filesystem Minifilter Drivers: can I monitor and prevent FS operations using them?

I need to: 1. Monitor operations on certain drives/paths 2. Prevent read and/or write operations on certain drives/paths For example: C://Users D: Can this be done using Windows Filesystem Minifilter Drivers ? I am mostly interested in step 2. In other words can a minifilter cancel a IRP ? ...