
What is the correct way to obtain the Drupal installed document root?

Inside of a Drupal module I need to obtain the base path where the Drupal site is installed. For example, if the drupal site is installed at: www.example.com/mysite/ then I want to get '/var/www/myseite' If it is installed in: www.example.com/ then I want '/var/www' What is the proper Drupal way to get this? I want to avoid PHP's serv...

Integrating Facebook Social Plugins in Drupal 7

There doesn't seem to be a plugin for Drupal7 that does this as yet. So I thought if I could add some features myself. But after much of searching, I am not too sure where and how to start. ...

Use Drupal7 AJAX goodness programmatically

X post from http://drupal.org/node/953016 The Drupal 7 AJAX system is great, it works very smoothly for forms and even for links. What I can't work out how to do in a sane way is to call it from javascript. I may want to have a dynamic page without a form and as part of that make a Drupal ajax call, specifically so that the ajax comman...