
How to add a disclaimer above the comments form?

I'm looking for a good, standards friendly way to alter the default comments form, such that there is a disclaimer immediately below the "Reply" header. I only want this disclaimer to appear above the comments form itself, not meerly when viewing comments. This thread ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2644483/drupal-adding-disclaimer...

Drupal Webform Validation (webform_form_alter)

Hey all, I'm doing some webform validation using webform_form_alter. I'm using webform_form_alter because I switch certain content on a "select" field. In my webform-form-317.tpl.php I defined new fieldsets I set my fields into this new fieldset and unset the original from the webform. $form['submitted']['ContactInfo'] = array( '#type...

Drupal form submission to a 3rd party website

I'm building a form in Drupal that needs to submit to a 3rd party website. Within the form API it seems like this is not really possible as you register form submission handlers to do all of the processing. I need to have the form method to to POST and it needs to be submitted to this website as it is a 3rd party hosted ordering system. ...

Is there any way to get uid from user name in Drupal?

Hi, Is there any core function to get uid from username in Drupal? Or I should perform a db query? my field is a textfield with '#autocomplete_path' equal to 'user/autocomplete' ...

Is it possible to ajaxify drupal multistep forms?!

It seems to be difficult to ajaxify a drupal multistep form(loading next step without page refresh).I googled it but I didn't find any solution. Does anybody know how to do it? ...

What's meaning of '#programmed' attribute of a form array in drupal?

What's meaning of '#programmed' attribute of a form array in drupal? I didn't find any documentation for it in drupal.org ...

Make changes to main form with ahah callback in Drupal?

Hi, I have a form like poll form.When there is no data in db I want to show only add button and when user clicks "more" I want to show him/her a submit button. I used the following code but it seems doesn't works. if ($form['count']['#value'] > 0) { $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Submit') ); } ...

Drupal: does default #action matters in form submission

In my module I have a form represented by function comment_form(){ // form definition } I have a menu entry example.com/get_comment_form mapped to form provider callback to serve this form via ajax. function get_form_over_ajax(){ drupal_json(array('form' => drupal_get_form('comment_form'))); } The rendered form via ajax ca...

Drual form in tabular layout

I am trying to render a tabular layout (html table) for a form such that first cell contains a checkbox. $form = array(); $res = query('SELECT * FROM {mytable}'); $rows = array(); while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $record = array(); $checkbox = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#attributes' => array( '...

Drupal form validation functions

Is there anyway say Drupal to validate form elements like email fields, passwords, numeric fields validate automatically lets say bind a system validator $form['email] = array( '#title' => t('Email'), '#type' => 'textfield', '#validate_as' => array('email', ...), ... ); ...

Drupal Node Form Incomplete POST Data

Hi buddies, I'm working on a drupal 6 site that needs multiple node forms in one page, the problem is when I submit one form posted data is not complete! I mean some fields of the form are not exist in posted data, i checked this with tamper data (firefox addon) and also print_r($_POST) at first line of index.php. but any from in its on...

Using Javascript (Google Visualization API) with Drupal Form API

The situation I am implementing a few forms using the Drupal Form API. As a result of user selection i need to display a visualization (area chart, time line, etc) where i have to load the google's JS libraries and send data to display the visual in a div element. What I have Done: I have tried to load a local JavaScript file(this in...