
What can du see that rsync can't?

I want to copy an entire linux server that is going to be decommissioned over the network so we are sure nothing is lost. I did du / and was told there are 60 GB of under / Then I did rsync -r / root@newserver:/old-server and when doing du in the old-server dir I got 22 GB. So why is that difference? Is there something that du can see...

Why does "find . -name *.txt | xargs du -hc" give multiple totals?

Hi All, I have a large set of directories for which I'm trying to calculate the sum total size of several hundred .txt files. I tried this, which mostly works: find . -name *.txt | xargs du -hc But instead of giving me one total at the end, I get several. My guess is that the pipe will only pass on so many lines of find's output at...

Is there a standard way to diff du outputs to detect where disk space usage has grown the most

I work with a small team of developers where we share a unix file system to store somewhat large datasets. This file system has a somewhat prohibitive quota on it so about once a month we have to figure out where our free space has gone and see what we can recover. Obviously we use du a fair amount but this is still a tedious process. ...

Error when calling 3rd party executable from Powershell when using an IDE

I have a PowerShell script that uses du.exe (Disk Usage originally from Sysinternals) to calculate the size of directories. If I run du c:\Backup in the console, it works as expected, but the same line of code run in ISE or PowerGui gives the expected result plus the error + du <<<< c:\backup + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified:...