
Visual C++: How large is a DWORD with 32- and 64-bit code?

In Visual C++ a DWORD is just an unsigned long that is machine, platform, and SDK dependent. However, since DWORD is a double word (that is 2 * 16), is a DWORD still 32-bit on 64-bit architectures? ...

dword ptr usage confusion

In assembly language if we use mov eax, dword ptr[ebx] then it means copy the value pointed by ebx (ebx contains the address value, not the actual value, this instruction copies the actual value in the address)? If we use mov eax, dword ptr[some_variable] then it means copy the value of variable "some_variable" itself to eax, not ...

How to cast a dword into a byte array in C#

Hello, As you already may know,I'm migrating into C# and some things in C++ look different. C++ code BYTE packetBuffer[32] = {0}; *(LPWORD)(packetBuffer + 0) = 0xC; *(LPWORD)(packetBuffer + 2) = 0x5000; *(LPDWORD)(packetBuffer + 6) = dwArgs[13]; *(LPDWORD)(packetBuffer + 10) = *(keyArray2 + 0); *(LPDWORD)(packetBuffer + 14) =...

PHP Bytes 2 DWord

I have an array: $arr[0] = 95 $arr[1] = 8 $arr[2] = 0 $arr[3] = 0 That are bytes. I need a DWORD. I tried: $dword = $arr[0]+$arr[1]*265+$arr[2]*265*265+$arr[3]*265*265*265; Is that right or am I doing it wrong? ...

MFC: How to i convert DWORD and BYTE to LPCTSTR in order to display in MessageBox

I'm using VS2005 with "using Unicode Character Set" option typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned long DWORD; BYTE m_bGeraet[0xFF]; DWORD m_dwAdresse[0xFF]; How do i make the code work? MessageBox (m_bGeraet[0], _T("Display Content")); MessageBox (m_dwAdresse[0], _T("Display Content")); ...

How to convert ip address to DWORD?

Hey, how can I convert ip address to DWORD using python ? I searched a while but didn't found anything useful. Thanks for the helpers! ...

[Assembly] dword ptr? What does that mean?

Could someone explain what this means? (Intel Syntax, x86, Windows) and dword ptr [ebp-4], 0 ...

Why in C++ do we use DWORD rather than unsigned int?

I'm not afraid to admit that I'm somewhat of a C++ newbie, so this might seem like a silly question but.... I see DWORD used all over the place in code examples. When I look up what a DWORD truly means, its apparently just an unsigned int (0 to 4,294,967,295). So my question then is, why do we have DWORD? What does it give us that the i...

Help deciphering a few lines of assembly

I have found these few lines of assembly in ollydbg: MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[xxxxxxxx] ; xxxxxxxx is an address MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX] MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+116] CALL EAX Could someone step through and tell me what's happening here? ...

how i show a dWord value in Messagebox api function

i want show a message dialog with a dword value like this MessageBox(0, (LPCWSTR) hProcess ,TEXT("My MessageBox Info"),MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); hProcess is a DWORD value but it when messagebox appear , body part of message that should show dowrd value is empty. ...

Create a DWORD Pointer from Offset

So if I want to read some information at the offset 00A2E63C (e.g.)... and I need to have it as a DWORD, how can I convert the "00A2E63C" String to a proper DWORD? help is appreciated ...