
No parameters on DWR methods signature

Hi, I'm having some ERRORS at runtime, from DWR methods with no parameters. The error looks like: [exec] 12:21:56,372 ERROR [SignatureParser] Parameter mismatch parsing signatures section in dwr.xml on line: public String MyOwnClassName.myOwnDWRMethod() How can I avoid this error? I mean, is there anything erroneous in the...

Problem with DWR and Android-Browser

Hello everyone, I am experiencing a problem with accessing an application from the Android-browser. The application uses DWR to persist connections to the clients that are connected with it. Everything works fine for me, except that if the application does not send any data to the client on the Android-phone for 2 minutes, the connecti...

dwr comet approach

from http://directwebremoting.org/dwr/reverse-ajax/index.html , it stated it supports polling, comet,piggyback. does that mean when we implement this approach, we can change to this 3 options in configuration without changing codes? what does dwr implement different from atmosphere api? dwr can be used on all j2ee containers also right?...

comet vs pubsub..?

may i know what is the different between these 2 approach ? can explain in lay man terms? ...

Hide exception details from DWR JS error handling?

Hi, I use DWR 3.0 JavaScript lib. In direct call to *.dwr URL you get exception info, e.g.: throw 'allowScriptTagRemoting is false.'; //#DWR-REPLY if (window.dwr) dwr.engine.remote.handleBatchException({ name:'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException', message:'Failed to find parameter: scriptSessionId' }); else if (window.parent.dwr) window...

Alternatives to DWR (www.directwebremoting.org)

I've been a big of DWR (www.directwebremoting.org) in the past and have used it on a few projects. It makes AJAX easy by creating javascript proxy / stubs to java classes on the server. While DWR has been around for years it seems to have slowed down ever since the main developer moved on - it's also quite large compared to it's early d...

dwr direct call with no parameters

In the code sample below, I am directly using dwr.engine._execute and calling the method. It works fine where we have atleast one input parameter, but with methods like the one below, the method gets triggered and I get the response data but the callback does not fire. Any reasons as to why is this happening? [this is with DWR 3.0] var ...

jquery autocomplete with dwr

hi, has anyone tried using jquery autocomplete plugin with DWR as data source. i need autocompletion functionality for my page, but i am also using dwr instead of typical ajax call. i found one link regarding this, but i am unable to locate the source code for this! http://www.nabble.com/-autocomplete--jquery-%2B-dwr-td22691104s27240...

what is Orbited?

from my understanding obited can do both comet and xmpp ? it is better than using typical comet library dwr right? ...

DWR and WebSphere Commerce - Is it Good Combination?

My current task is to migrate a J2EE application (JDK5) that is using DWR for its AJAX capability, into WebSphere Commerce platform (J2EE 1.4, JDK1.4). In the WebSphere Commerce, the idea is for the AJAX to call commands those are written in Commerce platform. WebSphere Commerce has its own AJAX approach (powered by Dojo), but I am hopin...

problem with DWR integration in spring?

Actually this is not, how can we integrate DWR and all that. But actually the problem is i am using xmlns:dwr="http://www.directwebremoting.org/schema/spring-dwr" and few hours back 'http://www.directwebremoting.org' was down, so i was unable to deploy my application, And now when the site is back i got to know that this link 'http:/...

DWR + Spring + JPA Session Closed

Background The application I am working on currently uses Spring + JPA. Everything was working fine before we decided to introduce DWR. Using DWR I invoke a method on a Service class and it then redirects to the Controller. try{ return WebContextFactory.get() .forwardToString("/search.do?searchString=" + ...

DWR + Spring - Multiple ajax filters not working

Hi, Is there a problem defining more than one DWR (v2.0.5) ajax filter in a Spring (v2.5.1) configuration file? For example: <bean id="..." class="..."> <dwr:remote javascript="..."> <dwr:filter class="foo1"/> <dwr:filter class="foo2"/> </dwr:remote> </bean> In my case the only filter getting called is foo2, ...

Is DWR a MVC ??

I started reading about DWR few days back. Its strikingly different from the usual web-app technologies I have worked on till date (read as huge amount of Struts). One question that invariably comes to mind is can DWR really replace MVC ? One may argue about the usability of MVC but the more mature frameworks like Struts and JSF give lot...

dwr log error handler

Hello, when i log in into my webapp dwr start their execution, and after that make this error log: 18-11-2009 12:09:13 [http-8080-Processor24] ERROR org.directwebremoting.util.LogErrorHandler - Line=7 Element type "filter" must be declared. 18-11-2009 12:09:13 [http-8080-Processor24] ERROR org.directwebremoting.util.LogErrorHandler - L...

DWR/OpenSessionInView "Session is Closed!" in Java and Hibernate

They say that a closed session in hibernate and webapp with ajax is a common problem with java and spring so I have to set the OpenSessionInViewInFilter in the web.xml like this <listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class> </listener> <context-param> <param-name>contextCon...

DWR util.js not working in internet explorer

Hi there, I have been using DWR for couple of months in my project. i tried using dwr's util.js in one of my jsp but strangely when i include util.js(version 2.0.1) none other javascript is working in internet explorer(working fine in mozilla) . i am trying to manipulate tables with util.js as described here and more surprisingly i ca...

Using session scoped Spring bean with DWR

Spring: 2.5.6.SEC01 DWR: 2.0.5 I would like to use a session scoped bean from DWR. It works fine, when I configure the bean to be a singleton. I read this tutor: (http://directwebremoting.org/dwr/server/integration/spring.html) and modified my applicationContext.xml, but it is still wrong somewhere. My applicationContext.xml: http:/...

dwr - upload file and download file in one request

Hi is it possible to upload a file and subsequently when receiving response download the file, I mean in one request I'll upload a file and download the file in one action? ...

Dynamic AJAX control

Initially, my form has two dropdowns. the contents of the second dropdown is populated via ajax using dwr. The "Add another" link creates another instance of the dropdowns but it loses the ajax/dwr functionality of the first. Appreciate the help. < div id="dynamicInput"> < form:select path="schoolState" id="schoolState...