
IDXGIObject::GetParent and Release

The IDXGIObject has a function to obtain a pointer to its parent GetParent. Unfortunately, the docs don't say whether I have to call Release() on the returned interface or not -- calling or not calling it works fine in both debug/release (that is, no crash), but I wonder whether I should release or rather not. Any idea how this is suppos...

Check when the application has gone fullscreen. (DXGI/DirectX10)

Hi, this is my question... There is a way to check when the application has gone fullscreen in DXGI (DX10/11). For going Fullscreen I mean that the system has COMPLETED the mode change. Cause i need it for my application to prevent deadlock and to adjust timing. (I have a multithreaded engine and the Present is not on the message pump ...

Linker error with DXGI when passing IID_IDXGIDevice to IUnknown::QueryDevice

I am trying to separate Swapchain and Window creation from D3D10 device creation in my rendering framework meaning that I can't really use D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain. I am running into an unexpected linker error when trying to build my test app. I am including DXGI.h and linking to DXGI.lib as well as D3D10 libraries but nothing else...