
RMI's dynamic proxy stub implementation

I want to understand how the dynamic proxy stub implementation is actually done behind the scene. According to what I read, by the time a remote object is exported if no pre-generated stub class is found, the RMI runtime would generate a dynamic proxy to act as the stub. That stub is then bound to the RMI Registry and later accessible ...

What are Dynamic Proxy classes and why would I use one?

What is a use case for using a dynamic proxy? How do they relate to bytecode generation and reflection? Any recommended reading? ...

Whats the difference between C# delegates, Dynamic Proxy, Closures and function pointers?

What are useful definitions for the common methods of passing a method or function as data, such as: Delegates Closures Function pointers Invocation by dynamic proxy and First class methods? ...

How can I use a dynamic proxy on constructors that take arguments?

I've tried to use the code Sun posted on their Proxy usage page, and I tried to use the DebugProxy to print which method is invoked. The thing is, the object I'm creating a proxy for, needs to have an argument. If I try to create the proxy with an argument to the constructor, I receive the following error : Exception in thread "main" j...

Using dynamic proxy on NHibernate objects

Hi, I'm trying to use Castle.DynamicProxy2 to cleanup code within NHibernate persisted classes. Here is a simple version of it. The Pet class: public class Pet { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } } And its mapping file: <class name="Pet" table="Pet"> <id name="Id...

can you use castle dynamic proxies on web services references?

Hi, Is it possible to create a dynamic proxy on the a web service reference that has been added to a visual studio project? I've added the web service reference in the normal way and tried to create a dynamic proxy using castle to wrap the method invocation in a try/catch to translate any SoapExceptions, but on running it I'm getting a ...

How to intercept WCF class creation

I have a wcf service for which I am not using a service reference. The classes and interfaces are defined in a dll both the client server reference. Communication with the server uses a class derived from ClientBase. I want to intercept wcf's default objects creation on the client side, so that I can provide a subtype that implements IN...

Performance cost of Java dynamic proxy

Many modern frameworks (Spring, Hibernate) provide very nice dynamic behaviors with use of Java dynamic proxies, but what's the exact performance cost associated with it? Are there public benchmarks available for Sun JVM? ...

Creating an INotifyPropertyChanged proxy to dispatch calls to UI thread

I would like to create a dynamic proxy for binding WinForms controls to objects changed by a different (non-GUI) thread. Such a proxy would intercept the PropertyChanged event and dispatch it using the proper SynchronizationContext. That way I could use a helper class to do the job, without having to implement the synchronization manual...

Why won't DynamicProxy's interceptor get called for *each* virtual method call?

An example explains it best : public interface IA { void foo(); void bar(); } public class A : IA { public virtual void foo(){ Console.Write("foo"); bar(); //call virtual method } public virtual void bar(){ Console.Write("foo"); bar(); } } public class Interceptor : IInterceptor { public...

Castle DynamicProxy v1 exception when proxy-ing methods with parameters?

I'm having problems proxying metods with parameters using Castle DynamicProxy v1.1.5.0. - I get the exception "Index was outside the bounds of the array." If I only use methods with no parameters, OR DynamicProxy v2, everything works ok. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble convincing the leads on my project to add a dependency to v2 (we'...

Are all methods proxied when using Spring AOP?

When using Spring AOP to create a proxy for a class using NameMatchMethodPointcutAdvisor and BeanNameAutoProxyCreator does this essentially proxy every call to the object, but only apply the advice to the matched methods, or somehow create a Proxied object that only has those methods and uses the normal object for the calls that are supp...

Using Dynamic Proxies to centralize JPA code

Hi All, Actually, This is not a question but really I need your opinions in a matter... I put his post here because I know you always active, so please don't consider this a bad question and share me your opinions. I've used Java dynamic proxies to Centralize The code of JPA that I used in a standalone mode, and Here's the dynamic proxy...

How to make a dynamic javame wcf web service client?

I'm new on this. And can't find the solution in google. Anybody care to help me out? :) I think it's also called dynamic proxy client ...

In Java how instance of and type cast(i.e (ClassName)) works on proxy object ?

Java generates a proxy class for a given interface and provides the instance of the proxy class. But when we type cast the proxy object to our specific Object, how java handles this internally? Is this treated as special scenario? For example I have class OriginalClass and it implements OriginalInterface, when I create proxy object by p...

Dynamic, reflective SignalHandler in Java

How do I install signal handling logic iff sun.misc.Signal is available? Background First generation of my code, which assumed signal handling availability, looked something like this: class MyApp { public static void main(String[] args) { ... Signal.handle(term_sig, new SignalHandler() { public void han...

Can I make the compiler and the CLR ignore non implemented interfaces on my types?

I would like to define a type implementing a certain interface, however I would only implement it in a proxy at runtime. I can see two obstacles in this scenario : 1-Make the compiler ignore non implemented interfaces. 2-Make the CLR ignore(or at least delay) the TypeLoadException with the following description : "Method SOMEMETHOD in t...

Intercept Properties With Castle Windsor IInterceptor

Does anyone have a suggestion on a better way to intercept a properties with Castle DynamicProxy? Specifcally, I need the PropertyInfo that I'm intercepting, but it's not directly on the IInvocation, so what I do is: public static PropertyInfo GetProperty(this MethodInfo method) { bool takesArg = method.GetParameters...

How do I replace a method implementation at runtime?

I'd like to have property getters and methods that I can decorate with my own custom attribute and based on the presence of that attribute replace the method bodies with a different implementation. Also, that different implementation will need to know the constructor arguments given to the custom attribute where it decorates the method....

EF 4.0 Dynamic Proxies POCO Object Does not match target type.

I am using EF 4.0 and POCO's. I stumbled across this error while inserting to records into the data base. Property accessor 'QualityReasonID' on object 'BI.Entities.QualityReason' threw the following exception:'Object does not match target type.' There errors occur on the Databind to a GridView after saving a new record to the databas...