
How to model this navigation scenario with efficient Route and ASP.NET Sitemap?

Hi, i need to model the following scenario, but I can't get it working with the MvcSitemapProvider (i think my problem also maps directly to the default SiteMapProvider). I want to get the default breadcrumbs control to work properly with my dynamic data. I have a list of products which are grouped by category which have a parent-categ...

How to resolve sitemap node like View.aspx?type=in&currency=1&id=2

What is the best way to implement StaticSiteMapProvider.FindSiteMapNode() or override XmlSiteMapProvider.FindSiteMapNode() as I do so sitemap provider could support resolving nodes with complex queries with multiply paramaters like this: View.aspx?type=in&currency=1&id=2 basing on sitemap definition like this: <siteMapNode url="View....