
How do I dynamically create/remove controls, with EventHandlers, to/from an ASP.NET page?

In one of my projects I need to build an ASP.NET page and some of the controls need to be created dynamically. These controls are added to the page by the code-behind class and they have some event-handlers added to them. Upon the PostBacks these event-handlers have a lot to do with what controls are then shown on the page. To cut the st...

Cache your own components using The Flash Player Cache

Ted talks of a "Player Cache" existing within Flash Player 9.3 that allows the Flex components to be reused across domains. It would be an extra-benefit if my components can be reused across my multiple websites. Is this Flex only? (all code passed thru the Flex 3 compiler "mxmlc") Will Flash AS2 components be cached as well? Will Fla...

ASP.NET: Suddenly the name 'form1' does not exist in the current context?

This has been working for the past three weeks that I've been developing this application, and for some reason has decided to stop working five minutes ago despite my apparently not doing anything. In Default.aspx: <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="AppName.Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html P...