
Intercept only interface methods with DynamicProxy

I got an interface like this public interface IService { void InterceptedMethod(); } A class that implements that interface and also has another method public class Service : IService { public virtual void InterceptedMethod() { Console.WriteLine("InterceptedMethod"); } public virtual void SomeMethod() ...

Caste Dynamic Proxy in Windsor Container

Hi, I've got a bit of a problem. I'm working in the Caste Windsor IOC Container. Now what i wanted to do is just mess about with some AOP principles and what i specifically want to do is based on a method name perform some logging. I have been looking at Interceptors and at the moment i am using the IInterceptor interface implemented ...

How to "really" down-cast a DynamicProxy back to its original type (to send over WCF)

OK, the situation is we have a class, PatientDto, and a DynamicProxy generated by Castle, PatientDtoProxy. We're using this proxy in the Silverlight client, then want to send it back to the server via a WCF service call. The WCF service Contract expects a PatientDto (ie not the proxy) and, as expected, blows up if you try to send anyth...

Create ObservableCollection with castle dinamicproxy for a DataGrid

How can I create a observableCollection of T where T is a castle dinamicproxy that Implements INotifyPropertyChanged and wpf DataGrid can add new itens? I managed to create the collection but when the Data Grid create a new row I receive a TargetInvocationException I belive the problem is that the proxy cannot be created with a paramet...