
Does anyone have better information about eBay's Large Merchant Services schema?

I've been wrestling with eBay's Large Merchant Services API for a while. It's been rough. I finally have messages going all the way through their system, but I'm having issues with their schema. Apparently there are alot more restrictions than what is defined in the schema. As an example, the schema defines shipping service options, whi...

eBay's Large Merchant Services not returning a SKU

I am specifying a SKU in my AddFixedPriceItem requests but the response does not come back with a SKU (although SKU is specified in the schema). This is a problem because I am using Large Merchant Services and can submit many items at once. If one item in a batch fails, how am I supposed to be able to tell which one it is? How can I rela...

Using Ebay API - Large Merchant Service with PHP

I'm doing some tests in Ebay Sandbox to understand how Large Merchant Service works, so lookong at some examples here i came up with some classes and an xml file setup for US site. It works fine if I use this xml file, items are listed on ebay, but when i try to set the xml output for the italian site I mess something. So, this is the...