I have a JFace editor that is mostly made up of a TreeViewer. This is hooked up to a ContentOutlinePage to bring the Outline view to life.
When either one receives a SelectionChangedEvent event they call the others setSelection() method ... and therein lies the problem. setSelection() generates another SelectionChangedEvent ... and thus...
I've added the following new Eclipse template via extension point. It simply adds a template for a sample testTag tag.
<!-- Add code template -->
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.editors.templates">
<template autoinsert="true"
description="[Description] Template populated by Snippet ...
I have built a simple Eclipse plugin where a user may use a tableViewer of database resources to open an editor on any of those resources.
Users may therefore have zero upwards instances of the editor running.
Is there an API available to get a list of those editor instances?
I am endeavouring to render some hierarchic data in a TableViewer (the TreeViewer isn't a good fit - trust me on this :-). Consequently I need to render the parent cells with a row-span > 1.
As far as I can tell, this currently isn't possible with the regular JFace TableViewer, or the SWT Table underneath.
Can anyone tell me I'm wrong?...
I am developing an Eclipse feature consisting of several Eclipse plugins, using Equinox Declarative Services (DS) to wire the plugins together at runtime. I would like to add integration tests to verify the equinox configuration.
In particular, I want to verify that
the service components bind together as expected
the bundles are a...
I am using Eclipse 3.2. For an RCP application, I am trying to extend from org.eclipse.ui.menus. When I right-click and pick new option, "menu Contribution" isn't appearing. I only see options 'item', 'menu', 'group', 'widget' under 'New'. There is no option named "menu Contribution". Am I missing anything in target platform? If so, whic...
I have a view which would like to be notified about all the currently opened editors. Where can I add a listener to achieve this?
I was expecting WorkbenchPage or EditorManager to have some appropriate listener registry, but I couldn't find it.
I've been googling, going through eclipse bug reports/enhancements, and through the eclipse preferences section (I have even tried to see how easy it would be to modify a font) to no avail. I'm trying to figure out how to increase the line height in the editor. What do I mean by this? Suppose my editor uses a font size of 12pt. I would l...
The extension point org.eclipse.ui.editors.markerAnnotationSpecification is used to change how certain user-defined text annotations appear in the editor.
Is there a way to create or modify or override these programatically from a plugin?
I'm developing my own Eclipse plugin and came across a very strange behavior. In some very specific cases, Eclipse won't quit when I close the workbench. It just stays hanging until I kill the process. This happens when running through PDE and when running as a regular installation.
It is really hard to provide more details and I ...
I opened eclipse 3.3.2. Now i need to get the current eclispe installation path. Is
there any eclipse API to get the eclipse installation path? Please help in this regard.
Thanks in Advance..
I developed one plugin(RMP) in eclipse 3.3.2 where i am creating menu items dynamically. I ran the application and it is working fine and am able to see the menu items created dynamically.
Now I exported this plugin(RMP). I added this in plugin folder of eclipse 3.4 installation. Now I launched eclipse and I am able to see all the...
I have a tree view that is acting as a selection provider. In response to different types of selected items I would like to show a view. (Instantiate it is needed).
Can I do this by VIEW_ID and the workbench getViewRegistry?
I'm trying to obtain details of an Eclipse user's structured selection in the Navigator Tree view. At present I have the following which is based on the org.eclipse.ui.popMenus extension point:
public void run(IAction action) {
Shell shell = new Shell();
ISelection selection = workbenchPart.getSite().getSelectionProvider().getSelecti...
I would like to display the version number of a custom Eclipse feature I am developing in the title bar of its perspective. Is there a way to obtain the version number from the runtime plugin and/or workbench?
I just moved my plugin from Version 3.3.2 of Eclipse to Version 3.4.1. The popup menu extensions I added to the project navigator (via Object Contribution IFile) do not appear for C++ executables. IResource object Contributions to not appear on the Debug and Release folders. Have contributions been disabled for these types? Is there some...
I am developing an Eclipse plugin and have tests for it. Some are regular JUnit tests, some are PDE tests (i.e. require starting an eclipse instance to be able to access eclipse internals).
I wonder if it would be a good idea to try to turn some of the PDE test into regular tests, by creating mock objects for the platform. It would...
I have implemented my own editor and added a code completion functionality to it. My content assistant is registered in source viewer configuration like this:
public IContentAssistant getContentAssistant(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) {
if (assistant == null) {
assistant = new ContentAssistant();
The plug-in really needs to be unpacked, yes I know it shouldn't care, but it does. I just want to make this warning go away, how do I do that?
I'm trying to have a view open programatically at the end of an eclipse ILaunchConfigurationDelegate. Currently I'm getting an "invalid thread access" error when I try to call showView(). How do I open a view from the launcher?