
How do I fix a "broken" debugger in EclipseME (MTJ)?

How do I fix a broken debugger, one that just won't start, in EclipseME (now Mobile Tools Java)? (This question has an answer which will be transferred from another question soon) ...

How to debug multithreaded midlet app in EclipseMe

When debugging multithreaded midlet in the EclipseMe, the breakpoints work for me only in the main thread but not i other threads. Any ideas??? ...

Badpadding exception in AES/CBC/PKCS5padding

I have written code for "AES/CBC/PKCS5padding" for j2me. It works well for encryption but for decrypting it shows exception badpadding expection. How do I resolve it? ...

Configuring eclipse to debug Midlet applications

I am new to Eclipse and need help configuring, I tried to follow tutorials on the official sites but I guess they are outdated or I am doing some thing wrong. I want to develop Midlet applications for Nokia S40 phones. This is what I have: Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: Helios Release Build id: 20100617-1415 Ec...