
How can I work with Novell eDirectory services in J2SE?

How can I work with Novell eDirectory services in J2SE? Will JNDI work with eDirectory? What are some resources I can use to learn about whatever library or libraries you suggest? I just want to play around with retrieving information via LDAP for right now, and if I get things working the way I want, I will probably need to be able t...

Connecting to LDAP from C# using DirectoryServices.

Hi, I am trying to connect to an edirectory 8.8 server running LDAP. How would I go about doing that in .Net? Can I still use the classes in System.DirectoryService such as DirectoryEntry and DirectorySearcher or are they AD specific? Do I need to specify the "Connection String" any differently? I am trying something like the code bel...

How to change passwords using System.DirectoryServices.Protocols

Our user store is an LDAP server called eDirectory. How do you change user passwords using System.DirectoryServices.Protocols? ...