
Possible to autocomplete a EditTextPreference?

Is it possible to have an EditTextPreference with AutoComplete attached to it? I know ho to attach one to an element with an id, but am having trouble figure out how to attach the ArrayAdapter to the preference field. This is wrong, but it's as close as I can get. final String[] TEAMS = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.teams); ...

With the android editText control is there a simple way to display only numbers?

I have a simple app that allows the user to push a button that brings up the list of contacts. They select the contact and the application then puts the phone number into an edit text control. This all works like a charm. However, I notice that the phone number that is retrieved has 'punctuation' marks in it: 123.456.7890 or 123-456...

How do I use InputFilter to limit characters in an EditText in Android?

I want to restrict the chars to 0-9, a-z, A-Z and spacebar only. Setting inputtype I can limit to digits but I cannot figure out the ways of Inputfilter looking through the docs. ...

EditText wont display above ListView

Hi, I have a ListView activity and I want an EditText (and ultimately a button along with it) to display above it. I believe my xml is fine, but for some reason the EditText is not displaying. The ListView takes up the entire screen :( Here's what my XML looks like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=...

How to restrict special charackters from an Android EditText field?

How to restrict the special characters in android EditText field? ...

Dynamic data for Adapter attached to EditText

Is there a way to attach dynamic adapter to EditText? What I want is - when a key is pressed on EditText, my code to do a search in (some) custom store and provide suggestions (instead of static Xml-list or array). This store is not a database; I think CursorAdapter is for database results only. Example code snippets are welcomed. ...

Password hint font in Android

When an EditText is in password mode, it seems that the hint is shown in a different font (courrier?). How can I avoid this? I would like the hint to appear in the same font that when the EditText is not in password mode. My current xml: <EditText android:hint="@string/edt_password_hint" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layo...

Put constrains to an EditText

Hello, I have an edit text and I'd like to put the following constrains (in the XML code if possible): Disable all the capital Letters (the inverse of android:capitalize or the same fonction than toLowerCase()) Block to EditText to 1 line max. (for instance avoid that when I press enter the editText get bigger to create a new line) I...

Specifying virtual keyboard type for EditText in XML

Hi, I'm creating a ListActivity. In each list item I have a View I've created which contains a RatingBar and an EditText. In the screenshot at the bottom, you can see the virtual keyboard contains a returnline key and no "Done" key. I would like to specify a different style of keyboard to use (and hopefully retain the spell checking ...

Is there a built in method, InputType, or other clever way to cause an Android EditText widget to refuse to accept commas?

I am creating a comma seperated file and don't want to give the user a way to confuse the app. ...

How to prevent that the keyboard hides my EditText?

I have a RelativeLayout at the top, then below i have a ListView in the center and finally at the bottom i have another relativeLayout with an EditText and a Button inside. I want the ListView to resize when I click on the EditText and the IME(virtual keyboard) appears. If i put adjustResize in the manifest, the Listview is resized to ...

Android EditText: Listeners, Newline Characters, and Focus

Currently I have an edittext field that when the user presses enter it does mostly what I want it to, validate an IP Address format and inform the user if it is wrong. How do I make it so when the user presses enter it checks it like it is supposed to be does NOT enter the newline character? Here is my code for it. public boolean ...

Making EditText and Button same height in Android

Hi, i have an EditText and a Button in my LinearLayout and i want to align them closely together so they see seem to belong together (edittext + micButton for speech input). Now they don't have the same height and they aren't really aligned well (button seems to be a little lower than the EditText). I know I can apply a negative margin...

EditText not capturing ViewFlipper flings?

This is maddening. I have the following XML layout: <FrameLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@drawable/shadow" android:focusable="true" android:focusableInTouchMode="true"> <ViewFlipper android:id="@+id/flipper" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="...

custom dictionary for edittext in android

Is it possible to create a custom dictionary for an edittext? In other words, can I create a custom list and have the edittext only suggest names from that list? I don't need it popping up useless word suggestions when the user is inputting specific names of people. ...

Line Numbers, Code Highlighting in TextView

I'm working on an 'IDE' for Android - it could be useful for editing short scripts / making quick adjustments to files. At the moment I'm just using a simple EditText, but I am wanting to add several features, for example Line Numbering down the left hand side of the EditText and Code Highlighting. Does anyone have any suggestions about...

Testing with UI elements in Android view

I am attempting to test simple UI with the following test case, The main idea is to set in the test some of the UI text (to mimic user input) and then actively click an event. public class StackTestCase extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<Stack> { private StackDemo mActivity; private EditText eaten; public StuckTestCase() { ...

How to disable Chinese Input Method when sign in or sign up?

There is "android:inputMethod" atrr in EditText, but I can't find any way to catch it. ...

EditText hint doesn't show

My EditText configured as follows won't show the hint: <EditText android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:gravity="right" android:hint="The hint..." android:scrollHorizontally="true" android:singleLine="true" /> It works if I set android:gravity="left" or if I remove ...

Android: Insert text into EditText at current position

I want to insert a constant string into an EditText by the press of a button. The string should be inserted at the current position in the EditText. If I use EditText.append the text gets inserted at the end of the EditText. How can I do that? I couldn't find a suitable method. ...