
Change an element's onfocus handler with Javascript?

Hello, I have a form that has default values describing what should go into the field (replacing a label). When the user focuses a field this function is called: function clear_input(element) { element.value = ""; element.onfocus = null; } The onfocus is set to null so that if the user puts something in the field and decides ...

jQuery onchange/onfocus select box to display an image?

Hi all, I need some help finding a jQuery plugin which will allow me to display an image preview from a select list of images - onfocus/onchange.. Example: <select name="image" id="image" class="inputbox" size="1"> <option value=""> - Select Image - </option> <option value="image1.jpg">image1.jpg</option> <option value="image2...

jQuery - window focus, blur events not triggering - works in Firefox and Chrome

In a nutshell; I wrote a simplistic chat application for a buddy and me to use. When the window running the application does not have the focus (minimized or behind other windows) and a message comes in, I want to change the windows title bar to serve as an alert. Exactly like Google's chat application does in GMail. Everything works f...

this.type='password' doesn't work in IE, but all other browsers it does

I have an input field that is by default set to type="text" so that the word Password can be displayed in it. I have the following to change it to a password field when the user selects it, which works fine in any browser I have tried except Internet Explorer. onfocus="this.type='password';" How would I go about making this work in I...

Call Javascript function when a div turns from visibility : hidden

I want to call a javascript function when a div is turned from "visibilty : hidden" to "visibility : none;" Also note that I don't have control over the script which turns this style property of the div. I just want to hook into this. Any possibilities? Or like onFocus() etc? UPDATE : I do not want to use JQuery or other frameworks. Is...

onfocus & onblur not working in IE

Hi, I've wrote some code that will allow me to have some greyed out text on an input form, and when the user focuses on it, the text will disappear and become ungreyed out, if that makes sense... function editableAlt (elem, colour1, colour2) { var elem = document.getElementById(elem); elem.onfocus = function () { if(this.v...

Cross-Browser Issue Regarding onchange/onfocus

Hi, I'm trying to turn a <label/> and <input type="radio"/> into a single button that when clicked, adds that specific product to a shopping cart. This example deals with 1 product, with potentially multiple variants, (ie. The Product would be "Denim Jeans", the Variants would be sizes, "26", "27", "28"). The HTML would look something...

JQuery focus/blur events help

$(document).ready(function() { $('#username').focus(function() { $(this).val(''); }) $('#username').blur(function() { var l = $(this).val.length; if (l == 0) { $(this).val('Username'); } }) }); What the above code is supposed to do is empty the value of #username input field...

Set cursor at a length of 14 onfocus of a textbox

Hai Guys, I want to set cursor at a position of length 14 on a textbox which will not have a value.. Iknow initially cursor will be at 0 i want it to be at 14 ...

Looking to change / replace an image when a text field onfocus

Hi - I am looking for a solution to replace an image with another image when you focus on a text field. There are 4 text fields and 5 images (1 image is the default image) When you focus on each of the text fields, the correct image should replace the default image.. Thanks for any guide on this ...

How to use firebug when debugging Javascript entailing focus/blur event handling

I'm trying to use Firebug to debug some Javascript that entails blur and focus event handling, specifically some auto-complete/look-ahead functionality. The issue is that, merely by clicking on the various tabs within Firebug, such as "Console", "Script", "DOM", etcetera, the blur() event in my application is being fired, and then the f...

Change input text to regular text on blur and ability to edit jQuery

I'm creating a form where I'm eliminating the use of a save button. The form is made up of input text boxes and textareas. After the user enters data into the input field, I want to trigger an onBlur function and change the input into a span that contains the information that the user entered. I also want to have the ability to edit thi...

onblur and onfocus attributes for textbox created progrmatically in vb.net

how do i put the onblur and onfocus attributes on a textbox created programatically? here's my code - td = New HtmlTableCell td.Style.Add("padding-bottom", "5px") Dim txtbox As New TextBox txtbox.Style.Add("width", "96%") txtbox.ID = "ename" td.Controls.Add(...

How to add Focuschange Listner to listview in android

Hi, I am having a listview in one of my activity.How to set foucs change listner.I tried with following block of code I am not getting result. product_search_list = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.productlist); product_search_list.setOnFocusChangeListener(onproductchangelistener); private OnFocusChangeListener onproductchangelistener =...

How to get which image (its position) is on focus in an Image Gallery?

Hi all, I am playing around with the Gallery widget. I would like to know how can we get the position of the image on focus in the gallery. For example having several pictures in my gallery, if I tap my finger to the right, pictures will come and go until it stop to one. How one can get the position of this one picture that is curre...

Change color of textbox in JavaScript

I have this small JavaScript code which I need some help with: function doFocus(text) { if (text.value == "Enter Name") { text.value = "Student Name -"; } } All I need here is when someone clicks on my textbox, the text "Student Name -" should change its color, and should text-align = left. I am looking for the appropri...

OnBlur and OnFocus event not working properly

Hi I'm trying to get my onblur and onfocus functions to work but they don't seem to be doing the right thing - i'm trying to say if the field "fullname" is empty then place "Full Name" in the field and if someone has entered something leave it as it is. At the moment it clears the field if it says "Full Name" and if its empty it puts "Fu...

Two Javascripts in one Input

Hello, i try to make two js in one Input, but only the Tooltip works. <input type="password" style="background-color:#ffffff" size="10" name="pw" onfocus="doit()" tooltipText="test"> This is my doit function: <script type="text/javascript"> function doit(){ document.getElementById('username').value="pcid1" + document.getElementById...

HTML input onfocus & onblur ?

ok, today I'm making a helper HTML function. It looks like this: function Input($name,$type,$lable,$value= null){ if (isset($value)) { //if (this.value=='search') this.value = '' echo '<label for="'. $name .'">'. $lable .'</label><input type="'.$type.'" name="'. $name .'" id="'. $name .'" value="'.$value.'" onfocus="if (this.v...

Blackberry DateField onfocus color

I have a dateField and when I iterate with the cursor over the various sub sections (date month year, etc) of the dateField the focus color by default is blue. When I unfocus the dateField the item that was selected highlight turns white. Which is fine, except my text is white with a black background. This makes it look poor as now ther...