
In WPF, is it possible to specify multiple routed events for a single event trigger?

I have an event trigger that I want to be fired in response to two different routed events. I don't want to repeat the event response code (in XAML) twice. Can I specify multiple routed events for a single event trigger declaration? Example of a single event: <Style.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Button.MouseEnter"> ...

Need help handling events of a DataTemplate in the Application.xaml file.

I have in my application a data template that has a few buttons. I want those buttons' even handler to be fired in the current page (I am using this template in many pages) rather than in the Application.xaml.vb/cs file, since I want different actions on each page. I hope I am clear. ...

How can I have Sql Server 2005 asynchronously call a DOS batch file from a DDL trigger?

I created a batch file to run SqlMetal and generate Linq2Sql data classes, check into source control triggering a build, etc... I'd like to have this script run anytime there is a DDL change in Sql Server 2005. Running the batch file via xp_cmdshell works fine outside of a trigger, like this: exec master..xp_cmdshell 'd:\dev\db_trigge...

WPF: Trigger animations on elements by name from EventTrigger on a dynamically created control

I have a Grid inside of an ItemsControl's DataTemplate, so there will be many copies of this grid. I want a mouse click on the grid to trigger the storyboard of an element outside of the DataTemplate. For example, I would like to animate Transform properties of a named element that exists elsewhere in the Window. Let's say my DataTemp...

jQuery - window focus, blur events not triggering - works in Firefox and Chrome

In a nutshell; I wrote a simplistic chat application for a buddy and me to use. When the window running the application does not have the focus (minimized or behind other windows) and a message comes in, I want to change the windows title bar to serve as an alert. Exactly like Google's chat application does in GMail. Everything works f...

jQuery check if event exists on element

Is there a way to check if an event exists in jQuery? I'm working on a plugin that uses namespaced events on made up events, and would like to be able to check if the event is binded to an element or not. ...

xaml: trigger dialog 'Apply' button state

I want to enable 'Apply' dialog button when content of some textboxes in this dialog changes. Here what I came up with <Window.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> ... <Style x:Key="SettingTextBoxStyle" TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}"> <Style.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="TextBox.TextChan...

Getting Event data from Google Analytics

Hi All, I put some tracking code on my website which had events everytime I click some button on my website. I got all these data in the google analytics website. Now I am trying to get this data through the GA Data export API's. I looked at what metrics I can query on in this link http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/gdata/gdata...