
How do I just LINQ Join() to link two IQueryables?

I have two IQueryables: Ingredient: IngId Description AvailableIngredient: IngId I already have an IQueryable for Ingredient: var ingQuery = from i in context.Ingredients select i; How can I add a join to his so it filters by AvailableIngredient (i.e. an Inner Join)? I know how to do it if I had to join all the t...

how do i create a composite key that comprises a foreign key with code first?

I am using EF4 code first and want to generate a composite key which is made of a class property and foreign key. I have two classes: Order and Company. The Order class holds a reference but this will not necessarily be unique between companies. So I intend to use a composite key made up of Reference and Company.CompanyId. I have tried ...

Entity Designer Database Generation Power Pack: DROP CONSTRAINT is not in the T-SQL script generated

The T-SQL script generated by the Power Pack includes the statement that DROPS the table. But it does not script the dropping of FK constraints on that table. Thus the DROP statement fails. ...

Entity Framework Code First lazy loading non navigation properties

I'm using the entity framework code first CTP4. Is it possible to lazy load non navigation properties like you can in NH 3. A common example would be having a table containing a binary column. I only want to retrieve this column's data when I explicitly ask for that property in my code e.g. image.ImageData Thanks Ben ...