
Signing an Inventions Assignment Agreement

My hopefully-soon-to-be employer has asked me to sign an Inventions Assignment Agreement. Generally, the contract seems fine, as they wish to ensure their IP is protected and that I'm not screwing around on them. However, it makes no exception for work done on my own time/equipment that is unrelated to their business (my state has no l...

States having nonassignable invention exceptions similar to California Code Section 2870

Standard employment agreements stipulate that the employing company owns all inventions and discoveries produced during the period of employment. California code section 2870 exempts inventions produced outside of work and without use of company facilities by California employees: 2870. (a) Any provision in an employment agreement whi...

What does "Prior Inventions And Original Works Of Authorship" mean?

I'm about to start a job and they want a list of "Prior Inventions And Original Works Of Authorship". What exactly should I include? Should I include anything I can point at that I've worked on? Should I include stuff I've worked on for past employers? What about stuff that is owned by an LLC I'm a partner in? Can I put down "anything in...