
encrypting a .Net application and assemblies

Hi, I have an encryption/copy protection question. I'm writing an application for a company that uses a dongle. Please don't tell me that software protection is useless, or that I should just let it fly free into the air, or that any time I spend doing this is a waste; this isn't a philosophical question about the validity of software...

AJAX Security Norm

Is there a norm for AJAX security? When making an XMLHttpRequest, if querying an HTTPS url, will the browser handle all the certificate business and properly encrypt the request (or use an already existing authenticated tunnel)? Are there any security flaws in this model? Then there's also user authentication issues with AJAX. Th...

Why do you need lots of randomness for effective encryption?

I've seen it mentioned in many places that randomness is important for generating keys for symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and when using the keys to encrypt messages. Can someone provide an explanation of how security could be compromised if there isn't enough randomness? ...

What is the best way to automate the encryption of my c#.net application configuration file without interfering with the normal operations of the application?

What is the best way to automate the encryption of my c#.net application configuration file without interfering with the normal operations of the application? ...

PHP Encryption openssl_pkcs7_encrypt() Failing

Hey all, I have this code: $fp = fopen($unenc_path, "w"); fwrite($fp, $msg); fclose($fp); $easy_access_emails = 'person@##.com'; $headers = "From: support@##.com <support@##.com>\n" . "Reply-to: support@##.com\n" . "Subject: " . $subject . "\n"; $key = implode("", file("../newcert.pem")); $Ar...

Which "good" block encryption algorithm has the shortest output?

I would like to give customers a random-looking order number but use 0, 1, 2, ... in the backend. That way the customer gets a non-password-protected order status URL with the encrypted order number and they cannot look at other customers' order numbers by adding or subtracting 1. This might replace a scheme where random order keys are g...

On the fly encryption in C#

I am learning C#. I want to code an on the fly encryption program. Something similar to Truecrypt. It basically creates an encrypted container, which can be mounted as a virtual drive and from which you can decrypt files on the fly without writing them to the hard drive. Truecrypt uses some filter drivers [ I dont know what they are]. I ...

Using SHA1 and RSA with java.security.Signature vs. MessageDigest and Cipher

I'm trying to understand what the Java java.security.Signature class does. If I compute an SHA1 message digest, and then encrypt that digest using RSA, I get a different result to asking the Signature class to sign the same thing: // Generate new key KeyPair keyPair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA").generateKeyPair(); PrivateKey pri...

.Net Web service Encrypt Decrypt Dataset

Does anyone know of examples which show how to encrypt a dataset at the client side and send it over to a web service and have it decrypted there? Another question: What i need to do is a send hundreds of rows of data from a client to a web service and have the web service update the database with these records. I can't think of any o...

DES encryption and cipher modes

I need to encrypt an ISO 8583 message... the problem here is that the message is longer than the key. I need some one help me how to encrypt this string. For example: I have 300 chars in my string; should I encrypt each 16 chars alone then concat them, since my master key length is 16 bytes? I appreciate your help... ISO 8583-1:20...

Why is security through obscurity a bad idea?

I recently came across a system where all of the DB connections were managed by routines obscured in various ways, including base 64 encoding, md5sums and various other techniques. Is it just me, or is this overkill? What are the alternatives? ...

Best practices for dealing with encrypted data in MSSQL

I have some data in my user database that I would prefer to be encrypted. Most of the data will need to be decrypted when requested, but there are also passwords that can stay encrypted (in the old days we would use pwdcompare but I believe this is obsolete now). I have followed the steps here, so I have now successfully encrypted my da...

How to create encrypted Jar file?

I am working on project that must need to protect data (revealing code is not main problem) files. We are using Java + Netbeans. Is there any facility that will create jar in encrypted format? We are also using sqlite for database - so putting text file in encrypted format is not proper option for us too. ...

AES interoperability between .Net and iPhone?

I need to encrypt a string on the iPhone and send it to a .Net web service for decryption. I am able to encrypt/decrypt on the iPhone and with .Net, but the encrypted strings from the iPhone cannot be decrypted by .Net. The error I get is "Padding is invalid and cannot be removed." The .Net code is from: http://blog.realcoderscoding.c...

How can I reverse engineer scrambled packets in a windows app?

I have a windows exe app that used to sends packets to a server in the clear. This app (lets call it the client app) is definitely close sourced, but some clever hacker hex-edited the binary, and made it send packets that are scrambled. Now, obviously, those packets are scrambled in a way that is decipherable (otherwise the server would...

Which archiving utility should I use in Ubuntu?

I am a Mac/Ubuntu user. I have folders such as "AWK", "awk", "awk_tip" and "awk_notes". I need to archive them, but the variety of utilities confuse me. I had a look at Tar, cpio and pax, but Git has started to fascinate me. I occasionally need encryption and backups. Please, list the pros and cons of different archiving utilities. ...

How does software like hide folders or truecrypt work?

I am particularly interested in a how hide folders work or how can it be achieved programatically (.net). How can I create a folder such a way that its hidden Does not appear in search (even if hidden folders are opted) No files system structure modifications are required How are folders encrypted. Any links or advices would be grea...

DESCryptoServiceProvider .net and restricting the encrypted character set

So I'm encrypting a string using the .net DESCryptoServiceProvider Is it possible to restrict the character set of the encrypted string so that it doesnt contain specific character ranges? For example / or \? ...

Compact Framework - Get Storage Card Serial Number

Morning all, How would I go about getting the serial number of the storage/sd card on my mobile device? I am using C#.Net 2.0 on the Compact Framework V2.0. Thanks. ...

Encrypting config files for deployment .NET

Hi, I have a windows service that reads from app.config I want some settings to be encrypted, however, I don't want to use the ProtectedConfigurationProvider classes provided in .NET because they encrypt files based on the machine they are running on using DPAPI. What I wanted was a way for our administrator to deploy the config file ...