
How to validate that a file is a password protected ZIP file, using C#

Given a path to a file, how can I validate that the file is a password-protected zip file? i.e., how would I implement this function? bool IsPasswordProtectedZipFile(string pathToFile) I don't need to unzip the file -- I just need to verify that it's a ZIP and has been protected with some password. Thanks ...

Compile mysql for AES 256bits

According to mysql document "Encoding with a 128-bit key length is used, but you can extend it up to 256 bits by modifying the source." But they didn't seem to provide instruction where to change. Anyone experience with this situation? which source file should change? Note: I use these steps to compile. ...

What encryption method does the .NET FormsAuthentication.Encrypt() method use?

Hi, What encryption method does the .NET FormsAuthentication.Encrypt() method use? There's no mention in the MSDN article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.security.formsauthentication.encrypt.aspx Thanks. ...

How can I encrypt CoreData contents on an iPhone

I have some information I'd like to store statically encrypted on an iPhone application. I'm new to iPhone development, some I'm not terribly familiar with CoreData and how it integrates with the views. I have the data as JSON, though I can easily put it into a SQLITE3 database or any other backing data format. I'll take whatever is easi...

Salt Generation and open source software

Hello, As I understand it, the best practice for generating salts is to use some cryptic formula (or even magic constant) stored in your source code. I'm working on a project that we plan on releasing as open source, but the problem is that with the source comes the secret formula for generating salts, and therefore the ability to run ...

How do I encrypt/decrypt a string of text using 3DES in java?

How do I encrypt/decrypt a string of text using 3DES in java? ...

Implementation of ZipCrypto / Zip 2.0 encryption in java

I'm trying o implement the zipcrypto / zip 2.0 encryption algoritm to deal with encrypted zip files as discussed in http://www.pkware.com/documents/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT I believe I've followed the specs but just can't seem to get it working. I'm fairly sure the issue has to do with my interpretation of the crc algorithm. The docum...

Verify key is correct using pyCrypto AES decryption

How do I verify the correct key is being used to decrypt AES encrypted data using pyCrypto AES? cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB) cipher.decrypt(s) If an incorrect key is used, it still attempts to decrypt the data, obfuscating it more. Is there any test I can do to prove the data is being decrypted to the original state? ...

How to query MySQL DB from client in a secure manner

I'm doing a personal number-crunching project, and I'd like to launch multiple programs on multiple computers (maybe even on Amazon's servers someday), and have them all storing and sharing data in a common SQL database, located on my web hosting account. The hosting company won't allow foreign connections directly to the SQL server, bu...

Decryption type and breaking (AES 128?)

Hi, My question has 2 parts. The first one is "what possible type of encryption i am on" and the other is, "what is the chance of breaking it" (as soon as the encryption algorithm was found). So, I got the original file and the encrypted one and I was able to test the behaviour of the encrypted when something changes in the original. T...

Strength of RSA Encrypting an AES Key

I'm currently developing a system to transmit data between client and server, and was wondering what the strength of the encryption I planned to use was. My thought was to have a private/public RSA key pair and hand out the public key to each client (leaving the private key solely on the server). Each client would then generate their ow...

Does xmlsec returns a 0 on exit?

I need to know, if xmlsec returns 0 if file is well authenticated? ...

file size is dramatically increased after pickle

I'm reading in a file and sending the data (once encrypted) to a dictionary, with a hash of the data before and after encryption. I then pickle the dictionary but find the file size is massive compared to the source file size. If I write the encrypted data straight to a file the size is identical to the source. Any idea why my pickled fi...

What is the best way to determine duplicate credit card numbers without storing them?

I run a website where we mark certain accounts as scammers, and "flag" their account and all credit cards used as being bad. We don't store actual credit card values, but are storing a checksum/MD5 algorithm of it instead. We are hitting collisions all the time now. What is the best way to store these values - non reversible, but ab...

Blackberry Content Protection and the Persistent Store

I have an application which stores data to the persistent store by setting the contents of the PersistentObject as a hashtable, e.g. saving preferences is done by entering strings as the keys and values of the hashtable and then setContents is called on the PersistentObject with the Hashtable passed as the parameter. I understand that t...

C++ Unicode Encryption Library Required (Or is it?)

I need to encryption several pieces of text in a file along side unencrypted text in the same file. All the data is Unicode text. In all the encryption libraries I have looked at Crypto++ Botan Etc... None of them "appear" to provide Unicode aware methods for encrypting / decrypting data E.G. data can be passed in/out using char, stri...

ASP.net rijndael decrypt - Length of data to decrypt

A lot of items I've found so far have been a bit vague or ... unspecific so I'm hoping to get an answer. I've got two little methods - easy ones that look as such... private const string initVector = "1234567890123456"; private const string SaltValue = "ThisIsMySaltValue"; private const int KeySize = 256; public static...

How to encrypt passwords for JConsole's password file

I am using the JConsole to access my application MBeans and i use the the password.properties file. But as per the Sun's specification this file contains passwords in clear text formats only. com.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file=<someLocation>/password.properties Now i would want to encrypt the password and use it for the JMX us...

how to encrypt string data so that it can only be decoded by the computer it resides on ?

say i have strings that are sent back and forth from the client, and server via AJAX. however i wish to securely encrypt it before being sent via the client. once it's on the server, it should be decrypted, and processed. additionally, how does password encrypting work ? user signs up, and upon entering password, its encrypted on the s...

How to create ebook DRM reader and distribution platform?

My company has decided to develop ebook DRM platform. The platform does not have to be perfectly safe, but should be comparable to existing DRM platform. Software can be written in .NET or Java, both client and server-side. I am pretty much at dark on how I should approach this project and how DRM software really works. Any good tip on...