
Importing a private-public exchange key pair

Hi I want to export a RSA 1024 private-public exchange key pair from Machine-1 to Machine-2. I am using cryptoAPI in XP. In Machine-1, i generated the key pair. I wrapped a session key which actually encrypts some real data. The key container name is "PAIR1". In Machine-2, i wanted to unwrap the session key with the private key(which ...

Missing numbers in the outputstream ( with Complete Details )

( To moderators - This is the 3rd related post of still unsolved problem , now i am posting with all details possible and after doing changes from previous post feedback , though this is a complete post and not dependent on previous 2 posts , if you think this is duplicate please delete the previous posts. thanks ) This is the code of t...

how to encode the ciphertext

the file abc.txt has several lines of ciphertext. i want to encode the line of ciphertext into hex encode or base64 before putting in string srr . is there any way i can do it ? bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("abc.txt")); String srr = null; srr = bufferedRea...

Encrypting SALTEDHASHED weblogic password in java

How to encrypt SALTEDHASHED password (used by Weblogic) in java? I need to be able to hash passwords in exactly the same way as WebLogic's authenticator does. Preferably without using WebLogic's library. 30 minutes later.. I've read some documentation and if I don't know the value of the salt I can't encrypt the password in the same wa...

C#, how to check if value is encrypted using MD5 passphrase?

I have the following code to encrypt a value (listed below). Now I would like to write a bool isEncrypted() method. Is there a fool proof and reliable way to check if a value has been encrypted using this function. I have the decrypt routine and can control the pass phrase, but not sure if that will help. The reason is - when the app f...

Getting the original secretkey from hex format

This is the hex format of a secret key used for AES encryption 00010203050607080A0B0C0D0F101112 Can i generate the original SecretKey format or byte array from this? If so how? ...

Update and md5 password

Hi I store the customers passwords in DB using encryption. When the customer edits his personal data (including the password) the passwords are shown as ***** How can i understand that the use change his password so write to DB without encrypted again and again. I mean that the value in password field is the encrypted value. If dont...

SQL Symmetric Key and opening it from C#

Hi, I am trying to encrypt data in SQL Server via a Symmetric key. When a user submits data through a web form, I would like for the data to be encrypted, using my Symmetric Key that I have saved inside the SQL Server. I am trying to find out how to do this. Currently, I run the following: USE myDb GO OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY myKey DECRYPTIO...

Database encryption with user supplied pass-phrase

Hello, I'm going to build a small web application which stores some encrypted data in a database (sqlite). One requisite is not to keep the encryption key along with the database file , for obvious reasons. So the approach could be an user supplied pass-phrase at the login screen and then derive a key from it to cipher the data. Of co...

encryption/decryption & java - basic questions

I have to implement the following scenario. User calls a webservice sending a request with a text which must be encrypted by my service if it isn't encrypted. After that it should be stored in the database. Is it a good idea to declare this attribute in xsd as String or is it a better type? Should I allow to use CDATA? Using Jaxb I wi...

Encrypting 3rd party credentials

I have an application where I need to store 3rd party credentials to services like Amazon S3, FTP, SFTP, etc.. I know that it is possible to access some of those systems without passwords, but that has its own issues. If our customers gave us access to their S3 buckets via ACL we would still need to verify which bucket belongs to which ...

Spring Security Encypt MD5

Hi. I have a java web application using spring framework and spring security for its login. In my database I have my passwords encrypted to MD5 before being saved. I added in my application-config.xml this codes <security:authentication-provider> <security:password-encoder hash="md5"/> <security:jdbc-user-service data-source-ref="dat...

iPhone SDK - CCATS required if using Keychain Access?

Hi, I'm planning on using Keychain in an iPhone app to store some username/password information. Am I still required to file for an CCATS? Thanks, ...

high performance encryption in adobe air / flash

When looking for encryption related classes/functions in action script / air / flash, I saw the as3crypto project. This one provides a v. nice set of options, but I am a bit concerned on what the numbers presented means when these are used to decrypt a local media file when its selected about to be played. I am looking for security vs...

SQL Server encryption using self signed SSL certificate. Querying from ASP.NET 3.5.

I've created a self-signed cert for testing encryption between my web application and the SQL Server. When attempting to query the database using "Encrypt=Yes;" in the connection string, I receive the following message: A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handsha...

Unfamiliar characters used in JavaScript encryption script

Here is an excerpt from a JS encryption script that I am studying. function permutationGenerator(nNumElements) { this.nNumElements = nNumElements; this.antranspositions = new Array; var k = 0; for (i = 0; i < nNumElements - 1; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < nNumElements; j++) this.antranspositions[ k++ ] = ( i << 8...

Debugging Signature Verification failure

Using Java 1.4.2 with unlimited jurisdiction policy files installed. I have a class that has been successfully signing and verifying. However, now I've changed the keys and suddenly verification is failing. Keys were generated with: openssl genrsa -aes256 -out production_private.pem 2048 openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in production_p...

ASP.NET Rijndael Encryption Error - Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.

I can't seem to get past this problem, I've created what I assume to be a 256-bit key using the random generator at GRC and combined that with my IV. I keep getting the error below: Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm. Any help is gratefully received, here is the code I am using to Encrypt/Decrypt: Private Function R...

ASP.NET Rijndael Decryption Error: Length of the data to decrypt is invalid.

OK, so having just got the key to be accepted and have an encrypted string out which is 44 char long, I now am unable to decrypt (aarrgghh): Length of the data to decrypt is invalid. Having looked around and read various posts it looks as though the conversion to a Base64String may be the problem but I can't see where it is wrong - man...

What's easier to encrypt on iPhone: Core Data or Property Lists?

What type of persistent data storage would be easier to encrypt on the iPhone- core data, or property lists? By "easier" I mean require less time and complicated steps to implement. ...