
Call javascript interpreter from a script

I've written some scripts in Javascript under Rhino 1.7, one of them starts a minimal http server and accepts JS commands in input. Now, if I call (from within Rhino): engine = ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("JavaScript"); I get the builtin JS engine (from Java 1.6), that is an older version of Rhino, and lacks some functions ...

How Do Google and Other Search Engines Determine Keywords?

First, it seems this question is not program related, however I still make up my mind to post this question here since there is opaque definition on it. If you think it is wrong feel free to delete it. I am curious about how Google and other search engines determine keywords? Do they just find keywords like we do by using CTRL+F and cou...

How to know the referral source of my website/page

I have a website where I want keep track of the Statistics about the users who came to my page from different sources. I want to identify whether user came from Search engines / other websites / direct typing the URL. I am using asp.net and C#. Please help ...

Mounting multiple instances of the same engine in Rails 3

Hi, I'm wanting to make use of the new modularity prospects offered by the architecture changes in rails 3. However, rather than just mount an engine as in the majority of examples... Rails.application.routes.draw do match "/blog" => Rack::Blog end ...I'd like to mount multiple versions of the same engines, and have those instance...

Rails engines depending application code?

We have what I suspect is an unusual setup. We have a Rails app which is something we sell to customers. We also package up bundles of business features into optional addons that the clients can purchase according to their needs. We have done these as Rails plugins/engines to keep them nicely separated. This forces the unusual requ...

How to block search engines from finding sub.domains?

Hi, I want to block search engines like Google and Yahoo from crawling user sub.domains like user.example.com, how can i do it? ...

ApplicationController methods in Rails 2.0.2 not overriding plugin methods using Engines

I am trying to use the Savage Beast 2 plugin in my project. This plugin requires the use of Engines plugin. My project is on Rails 2.0.2. There are some methods in /main_app/vendor/plugins/savage_beast/lib/authentication_system.rb that I mean to override in /main_app/app/controllers/application.rb The views within the plugin (e...

Web Search API with comercial license?

I was wondering if anyone knows of a Web Search API service that offers commercial licenses. I'm looking for something like Yahoo Search API but one that does not limit you for 5000 daily calls per IP and allows commercial use. I guess this would be a paid service. Thanks ...