
Enter Key for Login Form

I have a search form and a login form on my website. When the enter button is pressed when the login form has focus, the search runs instead of the login. Is there a way to fix this? I've already tried using a panel around the login form and use defaultbutton, but the loginview errors when I do this. ...

Can't find asp:textbox in Javascript.

I am trying to add the onkeydown attribute to an asp:textbox. For some reason my code can't find the textbox that is inside a loginview. Am I doing something wrong? <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { UserName.Attributes.Add("onKeyDown", "KeyDownHandler('" + btn.ClientID + "')"); Password.Attributes.Add...

Enter key with multiple forms on a website.

I have a website with 2 forms. One for search and another for the login. When I use the enter key to submit, the search is always called because it is the first form on the page. What I want to do is program the enter key to click a certain button when a certain textbox has focus. I'm using asp:textbox and asp:button for my login form....

Handle Enter Key on Website (ASP and VB)

So I have a website with multiple asp controls. When I press enter inside by login form, the search function runs because it's the first thing found on the page. How would I handle the enter button so that when the active textbox is for the login form, the loginbutton code actually runs rather than the searchbutton. One last problem is...

Using the enter key in silverlight datagrid

How can I program the enter key so it works exaclty like the tab key in a silverlight datagrid? ...

Delphi memo box won't capture Return key

Hi everyone hope you're all well. I have a question about memo box behaviour in Delphi, I have an application with two forms, both are dialogs and they both have memo boxes in them and they both have an OK button on them, however one dialog behaves differently from the other - if I am in the memo area and i type something and then press ...

Allow Enter key to login in asp.net?

I have a standard asp:login control: <asp:Login ID="mbLogin" runat="server" TitleText="" DestinationPageUrl="~/Default.aspx" PasswordRecoveryText="Forgot your password?" PasswordRecoveryUrl="~/LostPassword.aspx"></asp:Login> In Internet Explorer, pressing Enter does not submit the form, but IE beeps at me 10 times rapidly. In ot...

How do I submit forms with the Enter key without a submit button.

I have jQuery go though all the submit buttons with the class button, and turn them each into an anchor element with the class button. $("input.button").each(function(i) { var anchorButton = $("<a class='"+this.className+"' href='#'>"+this.value+"</a>") anchorButton.click(function(eventObject) { $(this).blur().prev(...

Detect return key in textarea and if a certain string is present write a line to textarea [javascript]

Basically have a large textarea, and I want to be able to do a few things with it; Detect when the user presses "enter" to go to a new line, and When enter is pressed, if the line contains a certain string let's say "hello", a line would be written to the textarea that reads "hello to you." I cannot, for the life of me, detect a str...

[JS] Write to textarea when enter key is pressed?

I have a textarea, which will handle output, and a textfield which will handle user input. Focus will be entirely on the input field. I can't make it so that the user input field will add text when the form is submitted (enter key is pressed). It will only work if there is a button and this is clicked. How do I solve this issue? Below ...

Jquery autocomplete respond to enter key

I'm using the jquery autocomplete UI widget, for example: var names = ["John", "Jack", "Nick", "Tom", "Joyce", "Nancy"]; $("#nameInput").autocomplete({ source: names }); I'd like it to behave like the Gmail's "To" textbox. Specifically, I'd like it to highlight the best match as you type and if you press enter, then the highligh...

Processing unprocessed enter key c#

I have to process enter (among other keys) on win form without it producing error sound, but only if the currently active control didn't process it already. So, when enter is pressed while in a TextBox or DateTimePicker, i want to process it with a form (without error sound), but if it is pressed, for example, in DataGridView i want it ...