
Saving Perl Windows Environment Keys UPCASES them

Hi, I have a framework written in Perl that sets a bunch of environment variables to support interprocess (typically it is sub process) communication. We keep a sets of key/value pairs in XML-ish files. We tried to make the key names camel-case somethingLikeThis. This all works well. Recently we have had occasion to pass control (c...

Setting environment variables for Phusion Passenger applications

I've set up Passenger in development (Mac OS X) and it works flawlessly. The only problem came later: now I have a custom GEM_HOME path and ImageMagick binaries installed in "/usr/local". I can put them in one of the shell rc files that get sourced and this solves the environment variables for processes spawned from the console; but what...

Looking to get the env vars of a PID in BASH for a BASH script.

Any way to do this? I have a script that exports a few vars and runs a component. I'm looking to find out the actual values of some of these vars while the process is running. (Which applies here, because I'll be incorporating those values into another script/program) The vars themselves are PID specific (I'm quite new at this, if tha...

Rails saving IP address with every create/update request

Hello, I'd like to do the following: define a before_filter in application.rb that extracts the user's IP address and stores it anywhere, preferably in the session. define two before filters in all my models as before_create and before_update that add the current user's IP to the object to be stored. Problem: I cannot access sess...

Csh run script config file, and variables.

I am fairly inexperienced with shell(csh in this case) scripts but was asked to edit one. I was asked to add a config file to make it much simpler to edit several specific variables. I thought this was silly because this is a script and reading to and from a file would be a little silly so I though I could just make a different script th...

when we need use sudo python xxx.py or just python xxx.py or xxx.py

I have write a website,what confused me is when i run the website,first i need start the the app, so there are 3 ways: sudo python xxx.py python xxx.py xxx.py I didn't clear with how to use each of them,the NO.3 method currently in my computer dosen't work well ...