
Documentation on the SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS environment variable

I'm helping to try track down and reproduce an issue with our web application in Internet Explorer for one of our clients. Their browser process is launched with the SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS environment variable set. I'm trying to find out the changes that variable will have on Internet Explorer's behaviour. A Google search reveals a single...

Why do test:units and test:functionals insist on running in development environment?

I'm trying to test some environment-specific settings (middleware to be specific, but it doesn't seem to matter), but I'm having trouble getting the tests to run in the correct environment. The symptoms: If I run ruby test/unit/my_test.rb, all is fine because the first thing it does is require test/test_helper.rb, which sets the enviro...

Java System Environment Variable Current User

What is the best way to get the current logged in user through Java application running on JBoss. The system environment variable System.getProperty("user.name") does not work as JBoss is running as a service. The application is running on a laptop running Windows XP. The application is web-based and accessed using Internet Explorer by ...

Set environment variables from Delphi (Win32)

I'm trying to set a system wide environment variable from within my delphi application. The Documentation says to add a registry key to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment and then broadcast a WM_SETTINGCHANGE message. Anyone know how to Broadcast this message? PS. I'm trying to do this in a c...

How can an application access the environment variable set by another application?

In this case the application which sets the environment variable is executed in/from the application that needs to access the env.var. The Main() Return Values (C# Programming Guide) msdn article discusses its use within a batch file. If I try the same, everything is fine; but what is required is to run not from a batch script but from w...

How to handle .modulesbeginenv file for simultaneous logins from different platforms when home directory is shared across those platforms?

We use the environment modules system to manage unix environment variable setting for our platform zoo (irix, solaris, suse, cygwin and others), and to manage different software version sets. The environment modules package uses the $HOME/.modulesbeginenv to capture the initial state of the environment, but if the home directory is shar...

Is environment.rb invoked on every http request?

I'm wondering what file I should use to ensure my initializing code will only be executed once when the application starts up. Is environment.rb the correct file to use or will it be invoked on every http request? ...

Accessing Windows system variables in Java 1.4

What is the best/foolproof way to get the values of environment variables in Windows when using J2SE 1.4 ? ...

VC++ doesn't detect newly created env variable using GetEnvironmentVariable

I'm using the Win32 function GetEnvironmentVariable to retrieve the value of a variable that I just created. I'm running Windows XP and VC++ 2005. If I run the program from within Visual Studio, it can't find the new variable. If I run it from a command-prompt, it does. I restarted VC++ but same result. I even restarted all instances of ...

TeamCity + MSBuild: Tagging a deployment with a VCS build number

Hi Everyone, I am using TeamCity 4.5.1 to build and deploy an ASP.Net application to development. This is working perfectly so far, however, my manager has asked that I tag the folder with the specific SVN Revision from which the source was compiled. I am using an MSBuild script to do the build and deployment, however, I am unable to ...

Is it possible to reference another application via an environment variable in visual studio?

Here is the scenario. I have application A, which is a add-on tool of application B (a third party product). I need to install a file in a directory of application B during the install of app A (Using Visual Studio 2005). I know the default directory location of app B, but the user could change that location during the install of app ...

Is there a standard method to add to ENV variables conditionally on being empty?`

I am creating a script to configure and launch software. My current application requires appending to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I know that I can test if this is empty first and set it outright and append it otherwise. The following does not appear to work and it keeps appending to the variable even if it contains the string I am testing for i...

What is the maximum size of an environment variable value?

Is there a limit to the amount of data that can be stored in an environment variable on Linux, and if so: what is it? For Windows, I've found following KB article which summarizes to: Windows XP or later: 8191 characters Windows 2000/NT 4.0: 2047 characters ...

Java: What are the necessary environment variables one should set after installing JDK on Windows and how?

This may be self evident to power Java programmers, but may not be so for those who are just starting the Java journey. After downloading JDK from Sun and installing it on Windows, what environment variables should one set to use javac etc.. from command line tools like vi? (see Programming Java with Vim) Also, how does one set environm...

Interface for modifying Windows environment variables from Python

How can I persistently modify the Windows environment variables from a Python script? (it's the setup.py script) I'm looking for a standard function or module to use for this. I'm already familiar with the registry way of doing it, but any comments regarding that are also welcome. ...

dcc32: environment variables in *.cfg

I'm trying to build a simple release build batch for our app. I'd like to use environment variables inside the <AppName>.cfg file. However these seem not to get expanded. Neither -U"$(DELPHIKOMP)\VclZip;..." nor -U"%DELPHIKOMP%\VclZip;..." work. However -U"C:\DelphiKomp\VclZip;..." does. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Please no...

Why doesn't a * in my pipe open in Perl work on Windows?

I am having this strange issue with Perl. I am trying to execute an external program from inside my Perl script and this external program takes string + wildcard as parameters. My Perl program looks like this my $cmd_to_run = 'find-something-in-somedb myname* |' open(procHandle, $cmd_to_run); # I am using open because I want to ...

Environment.SpecialFolder on foreign windows

Can anyone tell me if Environment.SpecialFolders works correctly on non-english versions of windows. for example. where the SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFiles is not "c:\program files\common files"? ...

Changing web.config file based on an Environment Variable in ASP.NET

I need to change my connection string in the web.config file based on an environment variable (for different enviornments, like dev/staging/production, etc). I have seen other solutions that use build tasks to accomplish changing different configurations, but haven't been able to find something that will let me change my connection stri...

$_SERVER vs. WSGI environ parameter

I'm designing a site. It is in a very early stage, and I have to make a decision whether or not to use a SingleSignOn service provided by the server. (it's a campus site, and more and more sites are using SSO here, so generally it's a good idea). The target platform is most probably going to be django via mod_wsgi. However, any documenta...