
EOFError in Python script

I have the following code fragment: def database(self): databasename="" host="" user="" password="" try: self.fp=file("detailing.dat","rb") except IOError: self.fp=file("detailing.dat","wb") pickle.dump([databasename,host,user,password],self.fp,-1) self.fp.close() selffp=f...

What is an EOFError in Ruby file !/O?

The official documentation doesn't specify. I understand EOFError means "End of file error", but what exactly does that mean? If a file reader reaches the end of a file, that doesn't sound like an error to me. ...

What's Wrong? Question relied on: Files,Exceptions -> ERROR: EOFError

EDITED: import pickle filename=input('Enter a file name:') def entoles(): f=open(filename,'w') names=[] grades=[] while True: name=input("Give a student's name:") if name.lower()=='end': f.close() print("File closed") print("Back to M...

python 2.6 cPickle.load results in EOFError

I use cPickle to pickle a list of integers, using HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, cPickle.dump(l, f, HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) When I try to unpickle this using the following code, I get an EOFError. I tried 'seeking' to offset 0 before unpickling, but the error persists. l = cPickle.load(f) Any ideas? ...

How to Handle EOFError for raw_input() in python in Mac OS X

My python program has two calls to raw_input() The first raw_input() is to take multiline input from the user. The user can issue Ctrl+D (Ctrl+Z in windows) for the end of input. Second raw_input() should take another input from user with (y/n) type prompt. Unfortunately (in Mac OS X only?), second raw_input() raises EOFError when th...

XML-RPC over SSL with Ruby: end of file reached (EOFError)

Hello, I have some very simple Ruby code that is attempting to do XML-RPC over SSL: require 'xmlrpc/client' require 'pp' server = XMLRPC::Client.new2("https://%s:%d/" % [ 'api.ultradns.net', 8755 ]) pp server.call2('UDNS_OpenConnection', 'sponsor', 'username', 'password') The problem is that it always results in the following EOFE...

Python module paramiko cannot connect as paramiko.Tranport((host,port)).connect(username = username, password = password)

This is an example which works fine on friend's computer: import paramiko host = "" port = 222 username = "stackoverflow" password = "e2fghK3" transport = paramiko.Transport((host, port)) transport.connect(username = username, password = password) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) import sys path = ...