The epoll manpage says that a fd registered with EPOLLET(edge triggered) shouldn't notify twice EPOLLIN if no read has been done.
So after an EPOLLIN you need to empty the buffer before epoll_wait being able to return a new EPOLLIN on new data.
However I'm experiencing problems with this approach as I'm seeing duplicated EPOLLIN event...
after reading the epoll man, i thought the EPOLLOUT will only be triggered when the fd
comes writeable from unwriteable. but i tried on stdout and it's always triggered EPOLLOUT and i didn't write anything into stdout. why is that ? thanks
hi there. i've got a problem: sometimes (not regularly) recv returns -1 and errno == EAGAIN while using epoll in edge-triggered mode. piece of code:
server_sock = startup(&port);
if ( (epollfd = epoll_create(4096)) < 0) {
perror("epoll_create error");
} = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; = server_soc...
man epoll:
The suggested way to use epoll as an edge-triggered (EPOLLET) interface is as follows:
i with nonblocking file descriptors; and
ii by waiting for an event only after read(2) or write(2) return EAGAIN.
Imagine we have two fds: the first is passive, data available only sometimes, the second is active, data only som...