
Listing all nodes in an erlang cluster

is there any way to return as a list all the node names of the nodes in an erlang cluster? ...

Nodes not talking

I am using Ubuntu 9 and I start two nodes with: erl -name node1 -setcookie demo and erl -name node2 -setcookie demo yet when I run "nodes()" the nodes do not see each other and it returns an empty list. Anyone know why? ...

The most efficient way to read a file into a list of strings

What is the most efficient way from the time consumed to read a text file into a list of binary strings in erlang ? The obvious solution -module(test). -export([run/1]). open_file(FileName, Mode) -> {ok, Device} = file:open(FileName, [Mode, binary]), Device. close_file(Device) -> ok = file:close(Device). read_lines(Device...

anyone out there using Chicago Boss?

Chicago Boss seems like a neat framework and a good excuse to learn Erlang. Have any of you used it? Can I really get great performance hosting it on a single machine? ...

Sharing model definitions between Erlang and Rails (and mongodb)

I have a rails app using mongodb through mongomapper and all is well. The problem is... I'm going to want to use erlang to do some background processing and I want to update the same mongo/mongomapper models with the results of this processing. What's the best way to share model definitions between the two apps (rails and erlang) and rem...

How do I send a module to an Erlang node?

I have several nodes running in an erlang cluster, each using the same magic cookie and trusted by each other. I want to have one master node send code and modules to the other nodes. How can I do this? ...

Do other languages apart from Erlang have the ability to send code to running instances?

I just learnt that Erlang can remote load code and modules onto all instances of a cluster by using the "nl" command. Can any other languages do this? ...

Is there something like gem for erlang?

Is there a simply plug in system like gem for erlang as I find it quite complicated to install third party software? ...

Erlang map reduce library?

Does anyone have expereince with erldmr, a map reduce library for Erlang? ...

Why doesn't Erlang come with a decent package management system like gem?

Ok, this sounds like a bit of a rant, but I was wondering if there was a technical reason that Erlang doesn't have a proper package management system by default. ...

why gen_tcp:controlling_process() can failed with badarg?

Hi. I have a problem with one module of ejabberd. It is http_bind. But when I debug deeply I found that after accept socket and spawning hadling process and when reasign process for recieve data for new created process by calling gen_tcp:controlling_process() failed with badarg, WHY? ... {ok, Socket} = get_tcp:accept(ListenSocket), Op...

Running multiple Erlang applications. One or many VMs?

I want to run multiple Erlang applications, one being Riak and another being a web server. Should I run them in the same of separate Erlang VMs and why? ...

How can I install Riak on several remote nodes using hot code loading?

I have been learning Riak on a single machine and have access to a cluster of Erlang nodes (on Ubuntu 9). Using remote code loading how do I install Riak onto all the remote nodes? For example, imagine I have a cluster of Erlang nodes. One of the nodes has Riak installed. Can I do something like nl(riak) to install Riak onto the other n...

How does Scala scale on a cluster?

I have been learning Erlang, but also I'm keeping my eyes open to other technologies such as Scala. Does anyone know how Scala's multi node performance compares to Erlang? ...

Why did you decide "against" using Erlang?

Have you actually "tried" (means programmed in, not just read an article on it) Erlang and decided against it for a project? If so, why? Also, if you have opted to go back to your old language, or to use another functional language like F#, Haskell, Clojure, Scala, or something else then this counts too, and state why. ...

Does writing of the big file block Erlang VM ?

Does the entire Erlang VM get blocked (that is no other Erlang processes are executed) while I write a big file in a separate process ? ...

What's the appropriate reference for writing a MySql driver?

I have to use erlang-mysql-driver in my application, but it has been distressingly unreliable. Since it isn't being maintained, I don't see any option but to fix it myself. The problem is, I've never written nor worked on a database driver, and I don't know where to start. Mainly, I can't find the relevant documentation that specifies ho...

Functional language implementations of Production Grade data stores

There are many datastores written in Erlang, for example Riak, Dynomite, CouchDb, Scalaris, have I missed any? I know that Java and C/C++ have also been used to write datastores (Cassandra, Hypertable, etc), but have any Datastores been written in any other functional languages such as F#, Scala, Haskell, Clojure, etc? The reason I am a...

Is Erlang the C of the clustered computing world?

Erlang seems to be very low level and performant on networks, but does not have a very rich type system or many of the things that other functional languages offer, so it seems to me that it will become the lowest level development language for clustered programming, until something else comes along and offers a decent clustered VM AND h...

How to write a simple webserver in Erlang?

Using the default Erlang installation what is the minimum code needed to produce a "Hello world" producing web server? ...