
Erlang Web and Inets BindAddress

After installing Erlang Web 1.3 and starting it in interactive mode, I get the following error in the logs: Failed to start service: "config/inets.conf" due to: "httpd_conf: is an invalid address" In my inets.conf I have the following: BindAddress My sys.config: [{inets,[{services,[{httpd,"config/inets.con...

TinyMCE textarea problem

I have an automatically generated text-area (by the Erlang Web framework) that looks like the following: <span class="form_input"> <textarea id="question_text" class="tinymce" name="question_text"> </textarea> </span> I'm trying to apply the TinyMCE editor to it, but what happens is the following:

Adding International support in Erlang Web 1.4

I'm trying to add international support for a website based on the Erlang Web 1.4. I would like to have a couple of links on every page (the notorious Country flags) that allow the user to set his language session variable. What I have right now is a link like: <li><a href="/session/language/en">English</a></li> Where, in the sessio...

A good OpenID implementation in Erlang?

Hi, I'm looking for a good (Or at least working) implementation of OpenID in erlang. I've looked at several different solutions, but non of them are working 100%. ...