
Vim errorformat for Visual Studio

I want to use Vim's quickfix features with the output from Visual Studio's devenv build process or msbuild. I've created a batch file called build.bat which executes the devenv build like this: devenv MySln.sln /Build Debug In vim I've pointed the :make command to that batch file: :set makeprg=build.bat When I now run :make, the b...

Vim errorformat / efm for PL/SQL

Im trying to get the standard vim :clist, :cope functionality working with vim. Specifically, I'm trying (and failing) to capture the filename from the compiler output. I have the PL/SQL code compiling okay (well, when there is no errors =), and I've got errorformat picking up the error messages, line numbers and column numbers, but I...

Vim errorformat

I read the docs, but got even more confused. I have the following error generated by the compiler: rot; ^ "cpp\c1.cpp", line 13: error(114): identifier "rot" is undefined 1 error detected in the compilation of "c1.cpp". I know how to detect the line where the error line is given, but I get loads of extr...

Vim errorformat and jslint.

I am trying to get makeprg and errorformat working with VIM and jslint, and can't seem to get the error format right for the life of me... I am using the nodejs version of jslint which produces results like: 1 116,9: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. for (var...

Vim: Error format matches everything

I am trying to match the following error with efm: AssertionError: 1 == 2 at /home/strager/projects/blah/blah.js:13:37 The error message can be anything (i.e. it doesn't always match the AssertionError: .* or .*Error: .* formats). The general format is: errormessage at filename:line:column My problem is that the error mess...