
Esper versus Coral8 . . .Event stream processing

has anyone done any analysis comparing coral8 versus esper for event stream processing? ...

Alternative to Esper?

I am really interested in Complex Event Processing and have been looking at Esper. However my company has an anti-GPL stance and I was wondering if there are non-GPL alternatives out there under a more business friendly license like Apache or BSD? ...

Which CEP product to start with?

Hi, I want to learn more on how to build CEP based applications. So I looked around and found several products (overview found here: But as there are quite a few at the moment, I don't know which is the best to start with. And overall I just would consider the one available for free. The rest i...

Esper and SQS

I'm wondering if anyone here has tried using Esper to process stuff from the Cloud? Specifically Amazon's Simple Queueing Service. I've googled about this, and we know it's feasible, but it would be nice to know if anyone has tried it. Even better has anyone tried putting Esper into the cloud as well? ...

Forcing output in Esper

I have a non real time Esper configuration where I feed a stream that I read from a file. I'm trying to create an expression that computes a statistic over the entire stream and outputs one value at the very end. Esper has semantics for forcing a view to output every X seconds, for instance, but is there a semantic for asking the view or...

Esper via JMS Examples

In the vague question department, has anyone every used Esper with JMS as an Input Adpater? If so, is there any sample code out there? ...

ETL , Esper or Drools?

Hello, The question environment relates to JavaEE, Spring I am developing a system which can start and stop arbitrary TCP (or other) listeners for incoming messages. There could be a need to authenticate these messages. These messages need to be parsed and stored in some other entities. These entities model which fields they store. ...

Esper (C.E.P.) querry to calculate candlesticks every full minute

I am using Complex Event Processing (Esper) technology to provide a real-time candlestick calculations in my system. I am doing fine with calculating values, however I find it difficult to ensure that candle window starts at full minutes (for one minute candle) and ends before the next minute starts (i.e. candle 1[06:00.000 - 06:00.999],...

union in Event Processing Language for ESPER

Hi to all, i wanted to use unoin operation in Event Processing Language for ESPER. Inputs data are coming from two two source of file. Afrer filtering some field i wanted to do union of these two events....... can any body help me. ...

Using Esper, how can I perform dynamic filtering of events?

I am a novice in using the Esper event stream engine in Java. The scenario is that events are coming in as POJOs. They have a field that I want to filter on. The filtered values will change over time. I would prefer to not remove and insert a new statement every time a change occurs. Example: Event is named 'MyEvent', and has the f...

How to get the convert a Jython class to Java class in Jython intepreter?

I am trying to register a User Defined Function with Esper API. It take a class or string type arguement class MyUdf(): @staticmethod def udf(): return 50 conf.addImport(myudf.getClass().get...

Esper EPL Query for Time(t) and Time(t-1)

I am trying to implement an EPL query that can pick up the avg for Time(t) & Time(t-1). For example: a) in the first 5 seconds (seconds 0-5) there are 2 events with an avg of 12 b) in the next 5 seconds (seconds 5-10) there are 3 events with an avg of 23 , and in the EPL query that catches this information, I am...