
What are the options for extracting data out of Hyperion 7.3 with SSIS

We need to get data out of some Hyperion cubes (databases) using SSIS. Are there any connection managers available for this? Has anyone done this? ...

MDX filter problem

I'm pretty new to the whole MDX thing, but the following is just driving me batty. A FILTER statement I'm using is acting... strangely. Code sample, followed by description: SELECT { FILTER( MEMBERS([Time].[5-4-4 Week Year]), [Measures].[Ship Gross Units] > 0 ) } ON COLUMNS, { ...

Consuming Database Result Sets with Silverlight DataGrid

So I have a WCF Service that gets a result set from a database (not SQL) - I can get this data as a DataTable, string[][], etc. I can't use LINQ or ADO.NET Entity Framework very easily as it's not coming from an SQL DB. So my question is: -What's the best way to package this data for transmission across the wire? I can use any data...