
Proper place to call an event?

I have a Windows Form project that I've just started. On the form I have a listbox that I'm loading with Products. When someone double clicks a Product, I want it to raise a ProductChanged event. Other things in my project will subscribe to this event and update things like other parts of the GUI when the Product changes. My question i...

Grail or Ruby on rails for an highly interactive event based web application ?

With Java and Perl background, I have narrowed down the web framework choices to Grail or RoR. The web application is a highly interactive content management app ran on private cloud. One vision is to make all the widgets on the web pages to be event driven: click, double click, right click, keyboard shortcuts, etc. Does either fram...

Need recommendations to create an event-based messaging and badging system in Rails

I want to create an event-based notification and badging system that would award users when they accomplish certain goals. Goals might include: Posting 20 entries on a forum -> alert on homepage highlighting user, award of badge Logging in to the site 10 days straight -> congrats to message to user on homepage Commenting on 10 forum p...

Is there a Java equivalent to libevent?

I've written a high-throughput server that handles each request in its own thread. For requests coming in it is occasionally necessary to do RPCs to one or more back-ends. These back-end RPCs are handled by a separate queue and thread-pool, which provides some bounding on the number of threads created and the maximum number of connection...

[C#] How to consume web service adheres to the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern?

I am following the example from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8wy069k1.aspx to consume a web service implemented (by 3rd party) using the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern. However, my program needs to do multiple calls to the DoStuffAsync() hence will get back as many DoStuffCompleted. I chose the overload which takes an ex...