
Eventlet client-server

I'm trying to setup a server-client interraction: Server gets a string from client Server returns data to client I got this working with socket.send and socket.recv, but was wondering how to get it working with files through socket.makefile. I've got most of the pieces working, but don't know how to force each of the pieces to read ...

Eventlet or gevent or Stackless + Twisted, Pylons, Django and SQL Alchemy

We're using Twisted extensively for apps requiring a great deal of asynchronous io. There are some cases where stuff is cpu bound instead and for that we spawn a pool of processes to do the work and have a system for managing these across multiple servers as well - all done in Twisted. Works great. The problem is that it's hard to bring...

Eventlet throwing unintelligble exceptions

I'm using Eventlet's example code found here: http://eventlet.net/doc/examples.html#producer-consumer-recursive-web-crawler Halfway through the run, I encounter multiple instances of the following: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/eventlet-0.9.9-py2.6.egg/eventlet/hubs/hub.py", line 285,...